It seems that Apple finally released not-a-secret-at-all iPad mini. Rumor gives a high five in Apple’s face one more time.
What exactly an iPad mini like? Some said that it’s just like iPod touch big, and some said it is just a chicken ribs. But seriously folks, let’s drop all the biased down and check this out; there is only one tablet can beat iPad mini, perhaps, is the Surface Pro; while it’s too expensive. The iPad mini comes with 7.2mm thick, 0.68 pound weight, 7.9” screen but only 162 ppi. Actually based on the line of 7” series tablet, $330 is a little bit higher than expectation. Yung Trang from Techbargains said that only 30% people amount of 1332 are considering buying an iPad mini. The two most important elements decide whether a consumer will buy or not to are screen size and price. Whereas there are more people want to have iPad 4.
One thing that we will never miss is the accessories of Apple devices, bumper, case, smart cover and external kit are rolling out from factories now for sure. How long should we wait to see the first iPad mini case, iPad mini smart cover and stuff? Not long I suppose, but will iPad mini become a HOT CHICK? Let’s see.