MINIX just release a new firmware for NEO X7 before the chinese new year holiday start.
There is still no changelog for this new update. we just know the firmware is 009 version. There are two ways to update to this 009 version.
Method 1:
If you are already installed their 008 version, you can just use the OTA udpate in Settings -> About device -> Rockchip system updates -> Check now.It will inform you to find a new update, and click to download, reboot system, you will get the new firmware.
Method 2:
If you use other custom rom, not in the stock 008 firmware.then you can just download the firmware HERE
After downloading completed, change the file name to “”, copy and paste the “” file to the root directory of the Internal Storage folder, then reboot the system.
System will prompt asking for update after detecting the “” package, choose “Install” to continue, system will be rebooted and update will be carried out automatically.
AND please notice, after upgrade to this 009 version,some users report there is a little bugs in XBMC, minix also release a quick ota patches to fix. you can do this:
The XBMC passthrough fix/patch will be available for 009 after the above update is completed.
Settings -> About device -> Rockchip system updates -> Check now
It’s a 220kb tiny package, system reboot will be required.
Geekbuying Team