Minix just release a new stock firmware for the old model Neo x5 mini.
the neo x5 mini is a rockchip rk3066 dual core android tv box. and if you need a good quality, low price xbmc media player, then the neo x5 mini is now a good choice.
here is the firmware download link
for the 1080p version, download from here
Change log:
1.) System status bar is hidden by default (call it out either by 1.)dragging up with a mouse;
or 2.)long pressing the menu key of the IR remote);
2.) Battery level modified to 100%;
3.) Fixed IR remote wake-up bug;
4.) New boot screen;
5.) Preloaded XBMC for MINIX edition, Skype and CloudTV;
6.) Added screensaver feature;
7.) Optimized webcam picture taking performance;
8.) New set of NEO A2 airmouse logic, REWIND/PLAY/FF keys remapped to Android standard;
9.) Increased DDR performance;
10.) Default screen scale modified to 100% (full screen);