Thanks to stane1983. He help to make this happen,Thanks, dude.
So what’s it?
This is a installable firmware which will replace your Android firmware, so after you flash this firmware, you will lose android firmware, and will boot to Linux XBMC directly when you power on;
Why do i need this?
let’s see what does other people say after they flash:
Working Great on s89H , Match frame rate set to each video working perfect
so much happier now with playback 24hz
and whatever else it requires. Working From Lan right from boot.
All xbmc plugins installing with no issues.
Steaming From Network Drive 1080p MKVs no issues at all, fast skip / rewind, seek etc.
Boots very fast, even the XBMC Gui is faster , you can feel it , very snappy compared to being installed on top of android.
Shudown function now working goodthis really is sweet!
Current features of AMLinux:
Based on Buildroot version 2013.11, armel compiled
Linux Kernel 3.10.49
XBMC Gotham 13.1
SSH daemon and SFTP server (username: root, password: letmein)
SAMBA server (you can access userdata folder and USB devices)
Support device:
Tronsmart Vega s89 series
Installation instructions:
Extract downloaded ZIP file and put it on your sdcard. Now you have two options:
1 Boot into Android and select to install it (keep in mind that sdcard with recovery.img file must be in device)
2 Power off device, press reset button with toothpick which is inside A/V connector and power device back on. This will automatically install AMLinux and boot into it.
Wifi connectivity:
When XBMC is fully booted, under Programs you do have Network-Manager addon which will manage your wireless network connections.
Ethernet connectivity:
Disable WiFi connections if any active, plug in ethernet cable and reboot device.
Known bugs:
When on 720p resolution, shutting down splash screens are not always visible
Untested 4K video output, not even sure if 4K will be listed as supported resolution when connected to 4K TV.
More need to be reported.
Warning!! Only flash this when you know what it is!!!
Again, ALL credit TO Stane1983,PLEASE CONSIDER to buy him the beer 🙂