This custom rom is made by our friends in freaktab, they helped us to make the rom file. Thanks!
This ROM is:
English as default language
init.d support added
Busybox commands added
Google Play Store fixes added
Reboot app by Petrus
Your choice of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12gb user app space (select the parameter file you want to flash)
Password is
1. Download the ROM Kit for your version (wifi or 3g).
2. Unzip the kit on your desktop, or wherever you downloaded it.
3. Open the AndroidTool.exe
4. With your tablet turned on, with USB debugging turned off (in settings), plug in the USB cable. Be sure to always use the USB cable that came with the tablet.
5. Make sure the USB drivers are installed for the Rockchip device. (see the First Time User’s Guide for details, if you are having trouble)
6. You should see the tablet recognized by “Found One MSC Device” in the bottom of the tool.
7. Click the Flash Mode button to reboot the tablet to flash mode. The screen will turn black.
8. Click Erase IDB. It will count to 100% (very quickly).
9. Click Flash ROM
10. When the flash is finished, the tablet will boot into stock recovery and will format your partitions.
11. First boot will take a little longer than usual…just be patient and watch the boot animation.
12. Once the tablet boots to the system…you will have a fresh, rooted system to work with.
Boot UI:
Shopping PiPO P1 RK3288 Quad Core Android 4.4 Tablet:
Wifi version:
3G version: