HI Guys:
Do you want to check the the linux ubuntu version working on the Tronsmart Draco AW80? check it here:
Yesterday i get this very early beta linux firmware, and can’t wait to flash on the Tronsmart Draco AW80.
please note, Tronsmart is still working hard on the hardware acceleration, because allwinner just get the gpu driver recently, so they need time to make the hardware acceleration work. This early beta linux firmware don’t support hardware acceleration, i know all of your guys need this in linux, but please give them time to make it happen.I was told that should be finished in the middle of Dec. We will see.
Except the hardware acceleration, this rom is kind of acceptable. i have asked some guys to test for me. here are some feedback from the real users:
Only tested this briefly because – without h/w acceleration – it’s not going to do what I want, which is to run XBMC. Noted that this is a Lubuntu build, probably based on an earlier release for the Cubieboard.
1. Boots up quickly
2. Unity desktop feels smooth
3. Ethernet works well out-of-the-box. Home network access is readily available (Did not try wi-fi)
4. Chromium web browser finds sites quite quickly
5. HDMI audio output is clear and static-free, with adequate volume.Minuses
1. Video performance: without acceleration, basically, all video tasks are much slower than in Android (screen redraw rates, web page fill rates etc). YouTube in browser is jerky. Did not try the media player but that too will obviously run slow. XBMC is out of the question.
2. Input: no wireless keyboard or mouse detected, only physical USB input devices. Remote control also not detected. Seems like no usb transceiver has been included.
3. Output: As Eric noted, no write to FAT32 media, only read.
4. Shutdown menu: Reboot and shutdown options don’t work
I decided to stop there because – for my uses – this platform is not yet ready. But its potential is clear and exciting. I am looking forward to a more sustained experience with Linux on this box in mid-December.
In the above Minuses, we have reported to factory yesterday, and 3, 4 have been solved easily, for 2, i can use some air mouse and it can work well. so might be the driver problem, we will see.
Ok, Now here we go:
Download the Beta Linux Firmware for Tronsmart Draco AW80 here;
password: ypdw
Faster download link
use the phoenixsuit to flash the firmware, and you should decompress the download firmware first. and load it in phoenix suit.
the flash method is almost same as flash android firmware, you should power off the draco aw80, and then press the FN button at the bottom of draco aw80, use male to male usb cable to connect draco aw80 with you pc. (usb 3.0 port is also the otg port). and while you press the FN button with toothpick connect the power adapter.it will start to update.
I am hoping more users to try this, and give me feedback, you can flash back to android anytime, so don’t worry for this.
PS: for android users, please don’t blame me, i know every bugs you have report and i have marked and on my list to push them fix, but now the ubuntu is in my top 1 list and i want to push them to give a steady ubuntu firmware asap. hope you understand. once they can release a steady linux firmware with hardware acceleration, i will push them to fix the android bugs, i promise, i will push hard!!!!
Thanks again.