HI guys
Tronsmart Draco AW80 just get the new TWRP Recovery! It is made by great bob finless, and we should also credit to the developer Abdul! Thanks you guys.
You can get the TWRP Recovery img here
and here is installation instruction:
Installing TWRP.img from Internal SD:
1) Get from the Play Store Android Terminal Emulator.
2) Copy the file twrp.img to internal SD.
3) Run the terminal emulator APP.
4) type su
5) Agree to the super user prompt
6) Now type: dd if=/sdcard/twrp.img of=/dev/block/by-name/recovery
The terminal will do it’s thing and should come back with no errors.
TWRP is now installed.
Installing TWRP.img from External SD card:
1) Get from the Play Store Android Terminal Emulator.
2) Copy the file twrp.img to External SD using your PC.
3) Run the terminal emulator APP.
4) type su
5) Agree to the super user prompt
6) Now type: dd if=/storage/extsd/twrp.img of=/dev/block/by-name/recovery
The terminal will do it’s thing and should come back with no errors.
TWRP is now installed.
IMPORTANT NOTE and usage tips!
If your going to use “ALL NAND” you must unmount Data.
Go into the mounts menu and uncheck Data and check ALL NAND.
If you do not do this before a restore of All NAND you will get an error.
It backs up fine with both Data and All NAND ar mounted and checked but it will not restore if Data is mounted.
If you use All NAND, then there is no reason to also check Data during backup. All NAND backs that up as well.
If you do select All NAND and Data in the backup selection, you are wasting space. BUT you can in fact backup both.
In the wipe menu, internal SD is called Internal Storage.
Wiping Internal Storage will only erase Internal SD not all Data.
After TWRP is installed the only way to get to TWRP recovery is using the reboot APP.
My Finless ROM comes with this APP. Stock ROM does not so it is provided in this above download file.
Install it and run it. Agree to superuser prompt. Click reboot recovery.
The system will reboot into TWRP.
I have tried it by myself, follow the instruction, and the receovery install in one second 🙂