According to the feedback of some customers, a boot bug discovered on P8000. The phone Switched off and on and reboot. It either sits on the Elephone logo or is stuck on the Android Starting screen trying to optimize apps. We are sorry for this problem and the inconvenience. If you have the same problem you can flash the phone use Stock ROM Elephone P8000_20150725_Android 5.1 below.
The Elephone engineer team are working on this problen and will do the best to sovle it via OTA ASAP. Any good news we will update at the first time.
Download link: Stock ROM Elephone P8000_20150725_Android 5.1
ROM flashing tutorial:
Please make a backup before flashing.
Optimized- fingerprint
optimized- lockscreen
fixed- the video proportion of front camera

via @ Elephone