Hi, here glad to share the firmware of Ainol Mini PC II.
Download here: Ainol Mini PC II Windows 8.1 Firmware & Ainol Mini PC II Android 4.4 Firmware
1、Two USB disk(one for Android disk , another for Windows disk) and one keyboard , one mouse(better use a usb hub to connect) will be used.
2、Making USB disk:
A、For Android disk:
a、After the android disk is plugged , go in this folder(provided by us)
b、find the PartitionWizard.exe and open it,the interface will be showed as follow:
c、click button to delete the android disk.
d、and then the button must be clicked to create a new disk:
(the option drew with red line must be set above,one is Primary,one is FAT32)
e、click “OK”.
f、The final thing is to click “Apply” to apply your setting.
B、Making Windows disk:
The method of making windows disk is the same with that of android disk,the only difference one is that the windows disk ‘s file system is NTFS:
(the option drew with red line must be set above,one is Primary, one is NTFS)
Then rename the windows disk to “WINPE”,like this:
Update OS firmware
1、Copy all files in Android folder to the root directory of the android disk , and windows is the same.
A、Android OS must be installed first :
a、Plug the android disk into the target board,if the system in the board is dual OS,we must go in the android os for one time:
b、In android OS, click the power button and select “Reboot” to reboot:
c、after reboot , a logo will be showed as follow,
, press “Esc” key in the keyboard to go in BOIS setup interface:
d、in BOIS interface , select the “ Launch EFI from file system device ” option ,press Enter key in the keyboard to install android os:
a,Plug the windows disk into the target board:
b , in android os,reboot the system:
c、the interface below will be showed,press Left key in the keyboard,select the windows icon,press Enter key to continue:
d、Then we go in the windows install interface,just wait to finish:
update BOIS firmware
PS: please never try updating the bois firmware in a legal windowns 8.1 os , the key in it will be lost , and it is not repairable.
a , After windows installing is finished,go in the windows system,open the windows USB disk:
b , Go in the BOIS folder,and find run.bat file, right click and select“ Run as Administrator ” option, to run run.bat file.
c、after updating BOIS is done, it will reboot automatic.