This method only available for the boot time after you finish the steps below, if you reboot your computer, all these are reset, you need to do again.
This guide is for win8.
- Open the Charm menu, click setting. Move your mouse cursor to the right bottom of the screen, it will show the Charm menu, or press “win” & “C” together to call it out.
- Then click “change computer setting”
- Left side, choose “General or common”, right side “Reboot right now”
- Choose “Problem solution”
- Choose advanced options
6. Choose “Boot setting”
7. Click “Restart”
- Press F7 or number keypad “7”
9. After you enter the system, the diver can be installed. If a safety warning pop-up, click always install it. Please refer to the file “for Vista win7 win8 win8.1”