The Terms and Conditions of Geekbuying affiliates updated, one of the most important update is the PPC Policy for Geekbuying Affiliates:
Forbidden for Geekbuying Affiliates on PPC Advertising on Any Search Engine.
Following is the details of the PPC Policy for Geekbuying Affiliates, which will be effective and executed from Apr.1st.2019.
Trademark Name Protection
YOU MAY NOT use the Trademarked Names, GEEKBUYING, GEEKBUYING.COM, or any variations or misspelling of said names, in any manner including but not limited to Pay per Click on Search Engines, asserting them in meta tags, hidden text, source code, domain Name or Any Other Part of Your Universal Record Locator or to direct traffic to any website other than our website.
You may not bid on any keyword or by any Pay per Click on Search Engines where such keyword is one of our Trademarks or any variation or misspelling of one of our Trademarks. Further, you may not bid on any word or term that is similar to any of our Trademarks standing alone.
The PPC Policy for Geekbuying Affiliates
A.Forbidden for PPC Advertising on any Search Engine
1.Any PPC Promotion by any keywords directly linking to is forbidden.
2.Forbidden Bidding on our Brand Keywords in PPC, or any misspellings and/or variations, but not limited to Geekbuying, geekbuying, geekbuy, geek buying, and geekbuying coupon.
Punishments on Affiliates for Geekbuying Rules Violation
1. The affiliate who violate the Geekbuying PPC and Other rules for the first time, the affiliate will be warned and demanded to stop all violation operation immediately.
a.If the affiliate reply and cancel all violation operation in a good manner within 3 days, what we need do is to cancel the affiliate’s commission of a week from the day violation noticed.
b.No reply within 7 days, what we need do is to limit his account, all his affiliate account life commissions should be canceled.
2. If an affiliate who violate the Geekbuying PPC and Other rules for the third time, the affiliate will be warned and demanded to stop all violation operation immediately again, and the affiliate will be forbidden to withdraw any commission within one year,or cancel the affiliate’s commission of two weeks from the day violation noticed.
3. When an affiliate who violate the Geekbuying PPC and Other rules for the third time, the affiliate account shall be closed without any doubt, and all unpaid order commissions will be canceled, it is over for the cooperation.