The Latest Stock Firmware for MUCH i5 Professional Game Phone
コンピュータ & タブレット 電話 & アクセサリー

The Latest Stock Firmware for MUCH i5 Professional Game Phone

親愛なるみんな,here is the new stock firmware for our professional game phoneMUCH i5.

ダウンロードリンク:MUCH i5.



1.Open the flash tool in the package. The Latest Stock Firmware for MUCH i5 Professional Game Phone

2.Click the button to choose files.

The Latest Stock Firmware for MUCH i5 Professional Game Phone

3.Choose the files in the package as follows:

The Latest Stock Firmware for MUCH i5 Professional Game Phone

4.Click the button here:

The Latest Stock Firmware for MUCH i5 Professional Game Phone

If you see the progress bar has purple in it, please ignore it.After a few seconds, it will turn back to the screen as the picture above.

5.Connect your phone with PC, then wait about 2minutes until you see the screen like this:

The Latest Stock Firmware for MUCH i5 Professional Game Phone

6.You have done it. Disconnect the phone with PC. Reopen it.

