1. 自動レベリング性能を最適化し、非Crealityフィラメントとの互換性を強化します。.
2. 熱暴走やメインボードファンなどのエラーレポートパラメータを最適化し、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させます。.
3. Update the built-in g-code to improve the printing effect.
4. Optimize first-layer printing effect.
5. Repair the display effects of German, 日本語, and Turkish languages.
6. Regarding the accumulated printing time in this machine, it will be cleared after the machine is restored to factory settings.
7. Add the special character “^” to the keyboard.
8. Add root account information to the settings page, which can be used to enable root permissions.
9. Modify the problem that the self-check binding device page will not refresh automatically after binding.
10. Change the cursor in the WiFi password input field to white.
11. Other issue fixes.