Anbernic RG35XXSP Games List, オリジナルのファームウェアとユーザーマニュアルのダウンロード
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Anbernic RG35XXSP Games List, オリジナルのファームウェアとユーザーマニュアルのダウンロード

アンバーニック RG35XXSP, ANBERNIC初のクラムシェル型ハンドヘルド, ゲームボーイアドバンスSPの最高級の代替品です. It closely resembles the classic handheld and can emulate various consoles such as NES, スーパーファミコン, Mega Drive, Game Boy, PS1, N64, Dreamcast, and some PSP games. 記事上で, we will summarize the game console’s main features and present entries to the games list, original firmware, and user manual downloads.

What can you get with the Anbernic RG35XXSP ?

While slightly thicker and heavier than the GBA SP, the RG35XXSP maintains a similar size and button layout. It features specs comparable to the RG35XXプラス and H models, including a 3.5-inch IPS screen with 640 バツ 480 解決, Allwinner H700 chipset, Dual-core G31 MP2 GPU, and 1GB of LPDDR4 RAM. The device also boasts a 3300mAh battery that can provide up to 8 何時間ものゲームプレイ, making it powerful enough to handle games from 5th and 6th-generation consoles like the SEGA Dreamcast and Sony PlayStation.

Main features of the RG35XXSP

  • Flip shell, Hall magnetic switch
  • 3.5-inch IPS screen, 640*480
  • H700 quad-core ARM Cortex-A53
  • 3300mAh battery, 8 プレイ時間数時間
  • Moonlight Streaming

The device comes with a 5GWIFI module and is compatible with Moonlight streaming, allowing for portable gaming of 3A titles. It also supports WIFI online multiplayer gaming and other features. さらに, it can be connected to TVs or monitors via HDMI. With Bluetooth 4.2, multiple wireless Bluetooth controllers can be connected for a home console experience.

The following are the original firmware, games list, and user manual download entries:

Anbernic RG35XXSP Games list fiwmware user manual

Original Firmware








