スポーツ & 屋外

Electric Scooter User GuideLaws and Regulations on Insurance

Do I need to insure my electric scooter?

Electric scooters have become more and more popular in recent years and have become a new favorite for urban travel. しかし, the question that follows is whether I need to insure my electric scooter? 記事上で, we will explore this issue and provide you with some information and suggestions on electric scooter insurance. Hope that through the explanation of this article, can help you better understand this topic and make wise choices for your own travel safety and rights.

Whether insurance is required
United States
California requires
Not mandatory



E-scooters are very popular, more and more people are enjoying this new way of getting around. Expensive parking tickets, long search for parking spaces and traffic jams discourage driving, especially in big cities and during rush hour. If an e-scooter is driven on public roads, compulsory insurance is required.

Do e-scooters have to have liability insurance?

はい, you need to have liability insurance for your e-scooter and attach it to your e-scooter to be able to participate in road traffic. Using a license plate proves that your vehicle has liability insurance.

しかし, as the owner of a moped (mopeds, electric scooters and other low-powered motor vehicles), you don’t need to register your vehicle and don’t have to pay tax. This means that you don’t have to register or deregister your moped at the vehicle registration office.

What if I lose my license plate or it is stolen?

Report the loss or theft to the police immediately and send a copy of the report to the insurance company. このような場合には, the insurance company will replace your insurance number plate for a €10 handling fee.

What is the minimum age limit for driving an electric scooter?

People aged 14 and above can drive an electric scooter with a maximum speed of 20 km/h.

Do I need a driver’s license to ride an electric scooter?

いいえ, you do not need a driver’s license to ride an electric scooter.



A decree of October 23, 2019 clearly defines the characteristics of electric scooters, placing them under the larger category of “motor vehiclesthat must be insured to guarantee the civil liability of the driver (Article L211-1 of the Statutory Insurance Code)

If you are a user of an electric scooter, or if you are considering buying one, you must take out liability insurance to cover your liability for accidents that you may cause while using this “personal electric means of transport”.

United States

現在, there is no uniform law in the United States that requires electric scooter owners to purchase insurance. しかし, some states and cities may have their own regulations, and it is recommended that you check local laws and consider purchasing insurance to protect yourself and others before using an electric scooter.

And California is currently the only state that requires electric scooters to be insured.


Spanish regulations require all motor vehicles to have compulsory civil liability insurance, as provided for in Royal Decree 1507/2008.

But it turns out that, according to DGT regulations, e-scooters do not fall into the category of motor vehicles, but rather into the category of vehicles for personal mobility (VMP).

したがって, there is no national regulation that makes e-scooter insurance mandatory.


結論は, only France and Germany have compulsory insurance. The age limits in different cities in other countries and regions are usually different. If you travel in different cities or live in local cities, please learn about local laws and regulations in detail.

