ZOPO ZP820 Raiden is a quad core smartphone with MTK6582 CPU ,1.3GHz . The specific parameters are below . ZP820 has two colors ,white and black . This is a smartphone of high cost performance […]
Tag: 5.0inch
Cubot T9 Quad Core MTK6589T ,13.0MP+18.0MP Camera Gyroscope Sensor Quad Core MTK6589T
Cubot T9 is a quad core smartphone , equipped with MTK6589T CPU and Android 4.2 OS.The manufacturer made big efforts in camera for this Cubot T9 .Below is some basic parameters […]
BEDOVE HY5001 ,a Quad Core Smartphone with HD IPS HD Screen and 12.0MP Camera
BEDOVE HY5001,a quad core smartphone ,is equipped with MTK6589 CPU , HD screen of 1280*720 resolution ,12.0MP main camera and Androiod 4.2.1OS .At the same time ,it also has a RAM of 1GB and 8GB of ROM .It supports 1080P video decoding […]