Hi guys: Some days ago, when we release those other RK3188 TV BOX news, we get a lot of questions for when the minix release their RK3188 device. so the […]
Tag: NEO X5
NEO X5 newest firmware 0117 release Improved MTS, m2ts, mov playback quality/Added picture-in-picture video mode
Hi guys: We just get the newest firmware for NEO X5, here is the changelog: 1.) Improved MTS, m2ts, mov playback quality; 2.) Added picture-in-picture video mode, support size control […]
MINIX NEO X5 Dual Core TV BOX Review / Root / Firmware Update
Yesterday, we just introduce the NEO G4 MIni PC from MINIX, the G4 has no bluetooth built-in, which make some people don’t want to try, today let’s check their new […]