MK808, The newest Android 4.1 Mini PC, some guy have got this mini pc, and report some problems, after we talk with the factory, they release us a new firmware to fix the problem.
Attention: If you don’t understand how to flash the firmware, the wrong method can brick your Mini pc, Please make sure you understand all of the steps, and Do as your own risk!
Here we go:
1 Changelog:
a Change the CPU frequency to 1.6Ghz, (tested by antutu benchmark)
b fix the Screen Rotation in apps problem;
c Move back the ” enable ADB option” choice
d Improve the wifi signal better;
Here is the firmware download link:
You also need to download the USB driver and the flash tools here:
Firmware update guide:
Step 1: Download all the file from the link i attach, you will get 3 files, one is the firmware with *.IMG formate, the other are two compressed files.
Step 2: Decompress that two files, you will get two folder, one name is “RockusbDriver”,this is the USB driver for MK808, there are different version (win7,win xp,win vista), please choose the correct one when you install the driver; the other folder name is” 量产工具1.5″ this is the flash tool;
Step 3: Connect your MK808 mini pc with your computer, and install the driver:
here is very important, please find a clip, and insert it into the hole ( i mark the hole with the red circle, check following photo)
you can see,there is a button in above photo, and you must press this button with your clip,and then connect your MK808 mini PC,this important, don’t connect the mk808 with pc until you press this button with clip;
After you do that, your computer will inform you there is a new device connecting,and then you just need to choose the correct usb driver from the folder” RockusbDriver“ ,and then the driver will be installed. so till now, you finish the important step;
Step 4: open the flash tool,click ”RKBatchTool“,you can change the tools’ language as the following photo instruction” click” 语言”, select” 英文“
choose the firmware you just download
Click”Restore” button to flash the firmware;
We will take a video instruction as soon as possible and put it on our youtube channel, so you can understand it clearly.
Any questions,welcome post back.We will try our best to answer.
Offical link for buying the MK808:
Will the new devices already be sold with the new firmware?
No,it haven’t, because we still have some stock, once we sold those stock, we will ask factory to flash the firmware in the new stock.
ok,i will try to upload to another site.
We are sorry for you wait so long time.
Because we have the China Nation Day holiday for one week. we just come back from holiday today,and ready for ship orders.
Factory said the update will come on 20th Oct and the last time should be 25th Oct, they will release the update.
We have no the email address like,i don’t know where you see it, the only offical email address to contact us is
I hope the factory is still on track to release the firmware update by tomorrow?
Today is 25 oct. Do you have new firmware for MK808? When firmware will published?
Admin, any update on the new firmware or is it going to take more time?
Please let me know your order number,please.
I really appreciate you!
The latest firmware made my MK808 perfect^^
you are welcome. we can glad to help.
We are not just selling product, we also care about our customers, and we are glad to support our customers.
Please introduce our site to your friends.
Thanks geekbuying!And another release new firmware?my mk808 have the new firmware?
Hi,please check the new firmware here:
You have posted my MK808 today. Will it have the new firmware or do I have to flash it by myself?
It will come with the new firmware, please don’t worry.
I will thank you for your great support to everyone!
You really take care of your costumers.
the download link does not work could raise again? thanks
We will mirror it, and change the download link,please don’t worry.
for the order on 25th Oct, i think you should update to the lastest firmware by yourself.
Yes,it will come with new firmware.
Can you refresh your firmware link, the link is broken and the firmwar can not be downloaded. Thanks a lot.
You should try this lastest firmware:
hi guys
i got a bit of a problem here i think
i installed the driver for the mk 808 but when i start the rkbacht tool its says loading config file failed ?! any idea what the problem is? downloaded the tool several times but the error message is the same … did i miss a step?
When you unzip the flash tool, the folder is named with special characters. Rename the folder to something with non-special characters (like “flashtool”) and try again. Also try to delete the first the line of the config.ini file.
I have seen that the link you suggested 🙁
does not work
Can someone help me?
Thank you very much
you can try this new firmware, real 1080P OUTPUT:
I just bought and received the item. It shows 4.1.1 as android version, is it necessary to update when the firmware flashed is dated 27.10.2012? A little suggestion conserning the new firmwares to flash, add date when it’s build into the ZIP name 🙂
Ps. Seems to be working, I just plugged my Logitech DiNovo mini into the device and no problems at all 🙂
Hi, our suggestion is if everything is working well, then just don’t flash. lol
Hi every one, I need install the original firmware (4.1.1 not root), where download this?
The rockchip tool is not detecting the mk808b device, my pc can detect the device and it show it is there in the system.
Impossible to upgrade firmware on Win7 64bit – anyone could give me the links to proper drivers and soft for the os?
i will order mk808 today.
will it need flash ??
don’t need flash 🙂
OK thanks Eric
Netflix not working on my mk808b which I bought from Geekbuying
How can I fix this. I understand its related to 4.2.2.
I am not tech savy
Downgrade to android 4.1, and you will have your netflix working.
box 1 is lit in blue, what does this mean?
my pc is win7 64bit and when connect the mk808b the drivis not in the tool so we need a new driver for it
My MK808 is powering off from time to time by itself.
I upgraded to the latest firmware, same problem.
What possibly could be wrong?
My software version is from 29-9-2013, does it need an update???