Hi Guys:
Here is the mobile control app for iMito mx1 and iMito mx2
1 This app only can work with mx1 or mx2 base on the following Kernal Version:
3.0.8+ SMP PREEMPT THU NOV 29 18:36:56 CST 2012( click here to check how to get this firmware)
2 It only support Android OS Smartphone/ Tablet;
i have installed the control app on my Samsung ace but can’t get it to pair with my imito mx1 bluetooth, what should i do?
It doesn’t seem to work, when I scan for devices none show up. Can you help?
HI,please make sure you have the correct stock rom. we have tested the following two rom can work with this app;
and please make sure you use your smartphone and mx1 is in the same network !
hi, you don’t need to pair with bluetooth, just make sure your mx1 and your phone is in same network,and click this app, and then it will search device,and find a device called” ehomemedia” and then you connect it. all done.
I don’t have a app called ehomemedia
Found it! Didn’t have the right settings. Works great!
Hi, having the same problems, what settings did you change?
I believe this apk can only be installed on Android 4.1 or higher version. Is it possible to make it compatible to lower versions like Android 4.0, 2.3………
No,it just support android 4.1 or higher.
Traffic on Dropbox has been reached, can’t download the app
Please see this new download link:
It’s realy works! Amazing! Thank you very much. I searched this app for long time – it’s absent in google play =(
dose it work on QX1?
no,it won’t, if you want to control your qx1,please install this app in your smartphone:
Which apps you are using?