HI guys:
Recently i am trying to learn the CWM recovery on TV STICKS. today i follow the instruction on freaktab,and successfully installed the CWM recovery on MK808, should same as MK808B.
Why do you need to install CWM?
I am also a new student on this, in my opinion, after install the CWM, you can backup your stock firmware, and restore it easily, no need to worry about bricking the device when you use other roms. is there any other use? please tell me.
ok, here is what i am doing:
1 Download the MK808 CWM recovery here: ( if you need original MK808B, you should download from here)
2 change the download file name to update.zip
3 put the update.zip file to your micro sd card;
4 turn on your MK808/MK808B, insert the micro sd card, the system will inform you find a new update, and ask if you want to install, click ,yes, the system will reboot,and install the CWM.
after reboot, you will successfully install the CWM recovery on your MK808/MK808B.
How to check if you have succesfully installed?
1 download this reboot app (credit to Petrus on freaktab),
2 install this app to your MK808/MK808B;
3 run the reboot app, choose reboot to recovery
4 system will reboot, and if you have succefully install CMW Recovery, you will be in this menu after reboot:
so here is my thought:
1 if you can successful boot to android OS in your MK808/MK808B, then you can use that reboot app to CWM recovery and install other roms.
2 if you brick your MK808/MK808B, how should you do?
I still figure out the method, if you can not go to the android system in your MK808/MK808B, but you still want to flash the other rom with CWM recovery, you should do the following:
connect MK808 DC port with the charger, when you see the blue led light on mk808, then press the reset button, connect with hdmi cable, you will find your system also go to CWM Recovery.
Hope this is helpful for some guys.
Dear friend. You say:
2. change the download file name to update.zip
3. put the update.zip file to your micro sd card;
4. turn on your MK808/MK808B, insert the micro sd card, the system will inform you find a new update…..
So that means that from now on, new official firmware updates (for mk808/mk808B) will be of the form “update.zip”??
no,no, this post has no any releation with the stock firmware, it is the guide for how to installing the CMW revoery.
thank you for introducing about my CWM.
but sorry, direct link to zip file is (allowed but) not recommended because it may be removed when newer version is released.
you can find latest information from here: http://androtab.info/clockworkmod/rockchip/
you can find CWM for other RK3066 devices too.
anyway, thanks.
Unfortunately installing your link on version b of mk808, it reports error and does not work. (I have finless 1.7)
here the link for cwm for mk808b, directly from cwm website
HI, yes, this method is just for stock firmware, if you use finless 1.7, you may check the instruction on freaktab. anyway, thanks for your links.
than to manage CWM recovery ?
Tell me how to select a menu item “buckup and restore” in CWM if MK808B has no physical buttons?
Usb mouse or remote control RC-11 do not work
Problem solved. In developer mode need to enable debugging by usb. The mouse is connected to the port USB, not ODG. Eventually it became possible to control the mouse
HI,we use the usb mouse,and it can work, please change to another usb mouse to check.
I followed the instruction above, and got the screen above.
But I cannot get the USB mouse to work, hence I cannot move the selection to “backup and restore” to back up the existing stock ROM.
How do you backup ?
The REBOOT Apps is installed and worked fine. Please help. Thanks.
It’s the mouse issue. Just have to get a “low-end” mouse will do.
By the way, if you flash the ROM using PC (in this case installing the Finless ROM) , would it actually wipe off the CWM recovery tools that is there?
I am stuck on the two penguins and stuck there. Please help me to reset or restore to the factory rom if you can. Thanks.