Yesterday, Rockchip release the newest RKBATCH TOOL for RK3188, it includes the newest driver for RK3188 Device, with this driver, we made the following method for how to root RK3188 Device:
We test on Cube U30GT 2 Tabet pc, here is the screenshot after we made the root:
1 Open USB Debugging is enabled on your tablet (Settings –> Developer Options)
2 Connect your RK3188 Tablet to your PC;
3 PC will inform you find a new device, and try to install the driver, then you can try to download the driver here:
(password: GEEKBUYING.COM)
4 after install the driver, then you can download the following tools:
5 click ” TPSparkyRoot.bat” and follow the instructions, after 3 reboot, your device will get rooted!
Now only two rk3188 tablet sample release in china market, they are
The password for the rar files don’t work (wrong password!).
Can you check and post the correct ones?…Thanks 🙂
It should be GEEKBUYING.COM, not, i have updated. thanks for the information. 🙂
No problem… 😉
Oh, By The Way… Great work. 😀
I can’t install the driver and I have tried every os from xp 32 bit to win 8 64 bit. I have u30gt2.
what error message did you get?
try this driver:
Bang on, rooted successfully on first attempt.
Thanks guys.
All links are dead… please fix.
Thank you 😉
fixed,please check!
can’t install the drivers. i tried from device manager to update driver for m9,doesn’t work. is any ather way to install the driver? i have pipo m9. thanks
problem connecting with router Asus RT-N56U!!!! Signal strength is excellent but nothing happens!!!!! Before it was Tenda router, ther was no problems…any solution?
Can someone with PIPO M9 make a tutorial video on how to flash a new firmware or custom ROM. I’m sure it will be popular on Youtube for people like me with no experience in these things.
I can not install drivers. Win7, 64 bit. PC says: Windows system can not find drivers of your device. I tried both version listed here. 🙁
Hi, in this link it has win 7 64 bit driver, please check.
the same situation. I tried it on another PC with Windows 7 home 64 bit, and again can not find drivers of your device. 🙁
you need to uninstall driver first and then install from the files you downloaded
The bat file can’t see the device. It says “error”
seems you don’t install the driver first, you should follow the instruction,and install the driver first, and then the bat file can find the device.
To install drivers you have to press only volume+ while pluging into computer (not volume+ and power). This was the solution for my u30gt2.
Have a nice day
hello please how to install drivers ? because i cant install them via device manager :/
Hi, will this also work with the M8pro?
Yes,it can.
nevertheless i’m not able to root my M9, i only got the message : error finding device, an i also can’t install the driver. my tablet is shown as” M9″ but with yellow triangle…
the driver has to be installed correctly because i can do firmware upgrade with any tool without any problems :/
Doesnt work for Pipo M9 3G, get same error as elmo, in device manager the device is listed as Rockchip_usb, so the driver is installed. Adb just isnt able to connect to the tablet.
Anybody tried window 8, I have an incident which I try to root my Korean phone but having drivers problem which seem happen to me on 2 machine. seem is happen in this case too. However when I change os to win 8 , it actually Do a usually online search,.not sure for how long , as I was.away for an hour. To my surprise when I run the software it able to find the phone and rooted it.
Does this also work for the M8? And Android 4.2 is live on the site for the M9
Can anyone make available the files elsewhere on dropbox?
we can’t download them anymore through this.
How to install from my personal experience on 14 May 13 to root PIPO M9 for Android 4.2 and rooted
1.Rockchip Batch Tool v1.6 or higher (
2.Stock or Custom Firmware (in this case Custom Rom pre-rooted and debloated) Download
3.Windows PC
4.USB Cable (micro and normal USB head)
5.Safety Pin
Initial setup
1.Extract the Rockchip Batch Tool (RBT) package from zip file. It includes the needed drivers too!
2.Extract the downloaded firmware IMAGE
3.Run Rockchip Batch Tool v1.6, and browse the image file (.img)
4.If everything done right, you should see some info printed in the fields, like the current version of the firmware, Android, the board, etc
Installing device drivers
1.Untick USB Debugging at Setting/Development Option at the tablet, Set the volume to at least 3/4 full.
2.Shut down the Tablet,and connect to the Power adaptor to charge (important)
3.Connect the USB cable at the ‘USB’ of the tablet to the PC
4.Press and hold ‘ESC’ button of the tablet and then press ‘reset'(use safety pin at the back of tablet) at same time.You will hear a sound.
5.Release the ‘ESC’ button once you hear the earlier sound, Window should detect the tablet and ask for driver if connect for the 1st time
6.When asked for drivers, browse to the extracted RBT directory, select the directory “Drivers”, and let Windows install the matching ones (if like on my computer Windows 8 64bit, I had to go to control panel then Devices and printers. You will see your unknown device and manually install drivers)
7.When finished, you should see one of the fields at connection devices in RBT turn GREEN from grey, usually is No.1 . Once you see ‘Green’ you can proceed to next step.
Installing the new firmware
1.At the RBT, press the “RESTORE” button to proceed for firmware installation
2.You should see the text Download firmware start. (this will format the whole nan, so backup your stuff before you do this)
3.If everything done right, you should see a message like this:
4.**********Upgrade Done Success Fail Timems********** Exit RBT
5.Only at this time the Tablet will boot up and start to self installation and etc. After that you will see ‘USB Mass Storage’ on the tablet and select ‘Turn on USB Storage’
6.Press ‘Home’button and you are done.
7.If your screen is blank after flashing, do not worry, most likely is the firmware image problem as there are V1 and V2 right now. Try a diferent image.
YOU HAVE 4.2.2 with MULTI USER FEATURE & ROOTED (supersu is installed)
Hi, for those who have driver problems, try a window 8 machine, i always got a lot of luck for window 8 and it will auto search and install drivers , without me doing anything just that it take a much longer time but it always solve the driver issue so you can proceed the next step to flash firmware. All the best i hope geekbuying approve my comment as i really get lost when i try to follow some steps so i want to share my experience, i hope everybody can easily flash to 4.2 and rooted with the fastest time and easy steps for their pipo m9
download link updated, please check!
This simply does NOT work. First off, those are not drivers at your first link, that is the firmware upgrade tool! And you don’t even say just HOW you’re supposed to install them!
The M9 has no trouble being seen on my XP PC. But it shows in the Device Manager as “Android Phone”.
Running the batch file results in this:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
** daemon still not runningerror: cannot connect to daemon
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
ADB server didn’t ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
ADB server didn’t ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon
— Reboot 1/3 – Press Space Bar once the device has rebooted
Press any key to continue . . .
Even when I FORCE to try to install any of the .inf files in the “Rockchip_Batch_Tool_v1.6” folder OR sub-folders, I get: “The specified location DOES NOT CONTAIN information about your hardware”. !!!!!!!!! WTF?? So I wish you, or ANYONE, would explain to me how in the hell you’re supposed to install these so-called “drivers” in that download when they are NOT INSTALLABLE???
So next I opened the firmware upgrade TOOL, and I clicked the “Switch” button. THAT actually installed the “Rockchip” driver in the Device Manager, HOWEVER, IMMEDIATELY AFTER that, the tablet DIED!! Black screen, DEAD! I thought it was destroyed! Only after removing the USB cable AND the charge cable, and waiting a few minutes, did it work again! I WAS ABLE TO REPEAT THIS several times! Even after getting “Rockchip” to show for the driver in the Device Manager (and even though the tablet was DEAD at that time), I ran the batch file again and the same BS happened that I pasted above!
So I would REALLY be great if you or anyone can tell me WTF is going on here. I’ve spent TWO DAYS now (one without any sleep) trying to root this SOB using FOUR different root programs and ALL of them give that same error message I pasted above! (Yes, USB debugging is ON and firewalls are OFF).
Thank you!
A hint for people with a Tronsmart T428.
Press the button on the side of the device when you’re plugging it into your pc. other wise you cant install the driver, it took me hours to figure that out.
The following video helped:
Will someone PLEASE answer my post above?
Hi Guys….
I’m new for Android Sticks…. I recently bought MK809iii RK3188 Quad Core…. I want to Root this… I will appreciate if someone help me in this regard… Can i use the same method as listed above for rooting my mk809iii? since it is same RK3188… Thank you
yes,you can,it is the same.
I guess it maybe will work because vido and cube is pretty much similar.
I found this.
I wonder if this work in my new Yuandao n101RK QuadCore RK3188 tablet? I have not received it yet but it is already on its way to me. 🙂
I guess it maybe will work because vido and cube is pretty much similar.
I found this. Can anyone confirm this?
I am unable to install the driver i have cube u30gt2 please help ..
unable to install drivers on cube u30gt2 .. please help
Hi guys., i just found the way how to install drivers for RK3188 devices.,
This is also a tutorial on how to get root access for rk3188 mini pc but when i tried it on my pipo m9 it worked., dont know if it works for other RK3188 devices.,
[direct link1]
[direct link2]
i got rk3188 quadcore china tablet ifivemini3. can i use this intruction to my tablet? and how sure it will work to my ifivemini3 please i need your response thanks 🙂
Do not install the driver for my CUBE U30GT2 please help 😉
Trying to root u30GT2. Driver given on the beginning of this support forum, doesn’t work on my Win 7 pro. I tried driver for .x86 and .64. Nothing works.
Is someone supporting this tablet firmware up to now? or no?
Anyone has a clue?
I need to root CUBE U39GT-Talk (3G). Please write me if this method is possible to use for such tablet.
Thank you very much.
Czech Republic
What tools exist for those with NO windows license? OSX or Ubuntu?