Measy U2C is a rk3066 dual core mini pc which build in camera/mic/AV Port, we call it all-in-one Mini PC.
Today Bob in freaktab made a custom rom for this model, here is the changelog:
1) Fully rooted with the latest SU and SUperUser.apk
2) All GAPPs updated to latest. This includes the latest Play Store and GMS Core.
However I cannot update Google Search as a system APP so you will have to do this.
3) Debloated of unusable APPs and junk.
4) Cleaned up the file system so it is not fragmented! Basicly I used linux tune2fs when making the images.
5) Increased “system” space for rooted APP and other root support. You now have plenty of space in system to add things!
6) I added a reboot APP that will allow you to reboot the device from the Android UI. No more unplugging the unit!
It will also allow EASY reboot to bootloader so next time, getting into flash mode will be much easier.
7) Full init.d support has been added! If you do not know what that is… ignore it.
Basically it allows you to install scripts that run at boot time.
If your interested, google search V6SuperCharger for a neat speed booster script.
8) The RK Remote Control APP is provided in my ROM kit. Copy it to SD card and install it.
This allows you to have a “touch screen” and control the TV stick like a tablet using a Phone or other tablet as the remote control.
If you do not understand, see posts about this on
9) I added the Xbox Xpad.ko module to support Xbox controllers.
10) I added TUN.ko and other modules. Note CIFS.ko and MD4.ko are already in the kernel.
11) This ROM has several options for you to choose from for flashing so please read carefully how to change these flash options.
Here is the firmware download link:
ROM -> Measy U2C Finless 1.4 ROM (228 megs)
BOB provided 4 parameter files. These will increase APP space and decrease internal sdcard space.
1GB APP space (this is Stock U2C setting).
2GB APP space.
4GB APP space.
6GB APP space! This is the max! This leave only 360MB of space for the internal SDcard.
Trust this however, some games and APPs install data to ONLY SD card!
So if you use this expect games that install data, to complain of not enough space!
If you have a external Micro SD card installed then you should be OK.
Shopping link for Measy U2C is