Before we get the stock firmware for UG007 II, we just tried the custom rom from Finless, since this UG007 II has the same hardware as imito mx1/mx2.
The good news is Bob’s Finless custom rom can work well on UG007 II, After upgrade, the UG007 ii will boot up with imito image and device name will change to imito mx1, however, that is all not important, what you will get after you upgrade is:
1) True 1080P using the Imito 12/12 kernel. You also have a choise to use 720 if you like.
2) Fully rooted with the latest SU and SUperUser.apk
3) FULL Goole Play store! This enables full market! For instance, onlive APP should now show in Google Play!
4) All GAPPs updated to latest. This includes the latest Play Store and GMS Core.
5) Cleaned up the file system so it is not fragmented! Basicly I used linux tune2fs when making the images.
6) added a reboot APP that will allow you to reboot the device from the Android UI. No more unplugging the unit!
7) Full init.d support has been added! If you do not know what that is… ignore it.
Basically it allows you to install scripts that run at boot time.
If your interested, google search V6SuperCharger for a neat speed booster script.
8) added the Xbox Xpad.ko module to support Xbox controllers XML file tweaks to support other game controllers
9) added Tun.ko module
10) CIFs and MD4 is already in this kernel.
More detail about this custom rom,please visit here: