Hi Guys we finally get the latest firmware for CUBOT A890.
Click here to Download Firmware or link2 for Download Firmware
PW: geekbuying.com
Pls note, before you flash the phone you need to install the drivers on your pc.
Flash method:
1:Open flash tool “SP_MDT_exe_v3.1304.00_A2013.02.26_customer”
2: Choose the right file as the shows(in the file which you download)
3: Change the USB port to “Preloader →DA”, Click “start all”
4: Connect A890 with your pc using the cable
5:The only thing you can do is waiting now. It should take 3-5mins. It will show 100% at last.
Note: make sure you have install the driver of mtk6589 phone on your pc before you flash it.
Driver download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qwm24fhhabpidld/MTK65XX%20Driver.rar?m
Just cant download it because the drop box account reached the traffic limit.
Please post a way to root it.
Yes, pre-loaderd 4.2.1 and fix some small problem, such as crash. more stable.
have added another download link.
What build number\date is it?
I received the phone with 14/3/2013
No change in build no. and no change in build date. thanks for submitting this update to cubot user.
this one is 14/3/2013.
Thanks for the update!
I can’t download the 6589 driver.
Can you post another link?
Do i need to root the device before flashing it?
is there already version 02/04/2014 for download?
root is not required for update
we will update the version 02/04/2014 these two days.
the download link is limted these two days for huge download. now it is ok. no need to root before flashing
Thank you Kristin!
Please, is there way how to root this smartphone ?
Any other way to reach the driver, dropbox traffic limit reached!
Hi Guidoux, is your phone bought from us cubot a890? if yes, you can try to flash again step by step. and make sure every step is correct.
There are many download link for the dirvers. you can google. or wait for one more day. ours will be ok in one day
I finally unbrick my phone and IT works…
Nevertheless I have a problem with the phone application. When I make a telephone call the screen becomes black and shaking or touching the phone doesn’t relight the screen. It stays back. The phone communication is OK but I can’t onhook…
Any solution? Have you the original Cubot ROM I could to download since I wiped it when reflashing
I get “load da file: f:\……\mtk_allinone_da.bin.error” when I start the sp tool
Kristin says:
April 23, 2013 at 3:59 pm
we will update the version 02/04/2014 these two days.
Please, when comes this update ?
Sorry, I check with the Engineer, that the version 02/04 will make the phone black screen, so they are still working on it. maybe this version in not available but 02/05. ^^ I will update the news after holiday.
yes we took part in their Smart Phone development. and we are the official seller of Cubot. will update asap.
yes that means the bin fiel is not loading. It need you load it. close the error window and choose the file as instruction.
I still can’t get the mtk6589 driver.
Do i really need it if i already connected the device to the PC and worked with the file browser?
I downloaded some MTK65XX usb driver from the net (google for: mtk65xx driver).
It has some *.cat files and some dll files/
How do i install it?
Hi I used this guide to root my cubot a890:
(you can skip the step of pdanet drivers when you already have working ADB drivers)
make sure you have usb debugging switched on.
unzip the root tool on your pc and open run.bat (run.sh for linux users included)
after that follow the steps and you should have root!
have fun with you’re rooted phone!
Update: drivers are installed after i tried to connect the device.
Now i have errorafter i press “Start all” and connecting device, it says:
ERROR: No Bootrom USB port was found! COM1 is not a Bootrom(Preloader) USB port.Auto Polling number:()
What did i do wrong? Is there something i need to config in my device?
Hi Nick Jones.
Can you post a link do download the ■Auto Root Files
since it can not be downloaded from the link you gave.
Thanks man!
updates: when you plug the phone to after you click the “start all button”, make sure the phone is OFF and NO battery.
Plug the device, wait some seconds, then add the battery.
Wait till end, close tool, remove device from computer.
Remov the battery again, wait some seconds, add the battery and start the phone.
Note: you will have a new clean ROM as the day you started.
All user data and settings are removed.
mk says:
April 29, 2013 at 1:47 pm
Hi Nick Jones.
Can you post a link do download the ■Auto Root Files
since it can not be downloaded from the link you gave.
Thanks man!
Also please for upload Auto Root Files on some free server.
Many thanks.
@kirstin, since you have a good connection with the developer, could you inform if at least an update to 4.2.2 for Cubot A890/M6589 will be available? I have the issue with my bluetooth and car headset which is described at this . Thanks in advance!
Everyone: Here is a thread with working free download for rooting A890/M6589:
Could you upload 4gb versión?
You have posted 8gb versión and now my cubot m6589 is bricked!
Thanks in advance!
hi javier, this update is for 4gb version. if you updated version 02.04.13 with 14.03.13 your phone could be bricked. maybe wait for an new update
or someone who upload 02.04.13 firmware?or a backup of yours?
I´m so fustrated!
There are many people with the same problem.The question is that you flash this firmware,but our newest cubot m6589 are too new and i guess they have a different display hardware,so everything is fine but you can´t see anything from the display.
Can anyone upload a new packet with firmware and also a newer flashtool?
Thanks a lot!
Any solution??
Came on,boys…help us please!!
I will try different rom and will update today.
I will upload a new version to fix your problem today.
That’s wonderful and we are waiting to solve the problem of black screen
Kristin you´re a crack!!!
Thanks a lot……everything working prefectly…thanks again!
@Javier : And where is new fimware ? On this page I see still old from 14.03.
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