TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How to root CX-919 Quad Core TV Stick?

CX-919 is the Rockchip RK3188 base quad core tv stick, and it is the only one which has the external wifi antenna. you can follow this instruction to root your CX-919 easily:

  • Make sure USB Debugging is enabled on your CX-919(Settings -> Developer Options)
  • Connect your CX-919 to a Windows PC via the mini USB port. (now only support rooted via Windows PC, no linux or Mac)
  • Your PC should detect a new device, and try to install the driver. You can download the driver
  • After having installed the driver, download RK3188_ROOT.rar (password:, and extract the files.
  • Click “ TPSparkyRoot.bat” and follow the instructions. After 2 reboot, your device should be rooted.
  • Geekbuying Blog


    1. I tried this method above but couldn’t get the windows USB driver to install. This article for the Tronsmart t428 worked to get my CX-919 rooted:)

      Hope this device gets a little more love. The external antenna works great and video is smooth with Archos video player.

    2. I have a problem with password “”

      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\adb.exe. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\AdbWinApi.dll. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\AdbWinUsbApi.dll. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\busybox. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\Developer. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcm90.dll. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcp90.dll. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcr90.dll. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\RootExplorer.apk. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\su. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\SuperSU.apk. Corrupt file or wrong password.
      ! D:\Downloads\ANDROID\CX-919\RK3188_ROOT.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file RK3188_ROOT\TPSparkyRoot.bat. Corrupt file or wrong password.

    3. I answer myself… password is “GEEKBUYING.COM”

    4. Luis Ernesto : did you rooted your device ?
      I can’t do it

    5. Okay, after trying MANY different methods to install the driver and root the device, I’ve come across one that worked for me.

      1) The USB driver provided here is useless. All the other ones on the net are equally as useless. Download Moborobo from It will recognize the CX-919 – it will also install its own apks on it, but you can get rid of them later.

      2) The adb is out of date in the provided root package. Download the Android SDK and copy the adb.exe from the “program tools” subdirectory.

      3) While Moborobo is running, execute “TPSparkyRoot.bat” and follow the instructions. After 2 reboots, your device should be rooted. There may be some errors reported, (superuser apk not found, etc.) – ignore them.

      Hopefully this works for everyone.

    6. After searching around for drivers and root methods I’ve finally figured out one that worked for me. This is what I did:

      1) The drivers here, and on the net are USELESS. Download Moborobo from its website. It will recognize the CX-919 and have drivers for it. It also installs a couple of its own programs onto the stick – you can just uninstall them later.

      2) The adb provided in the root package is out of date. I used the one from the latest Android SDK. Just copy it over from the “program tools” sub-directory and replace the one in the package.

      3) While Moborobo is running, launch “ TPSparkyRoot.bat” and follow the instructions. After 2 reboots, your device should be rooted.You may have some errors like “superuser.apk not found” or something like that, just ignore it. As long as you get “root = 0” you are rooted.

      Hope this helps.

    7. Ravi : “drivers not found” in Maroboro……………..

    8. Ravi’s method worked for me – thx

    9. I can’t seem to locate the adb.exe file that is included with the new android sdk tools I downloaded from softpedia since the google link didn’t work no matter what folder I look in there is no android sdk folder can someone point me to where I should look I’ve tried these two to no avail.
      C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe
      C:\Program Files\Java\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb.exe

      Also is this just to get it rooted? How do I also flash the rom to the newest firmware with moborobo?

    10. flash directly the new firmware Android 4.2.2
      it comes rooted.

    11. I got my device rooted with the above method but I had to close down moborobo before running TPsparkyroot then that let adb.exe do it’s thing without any errors except for the supersu thing which I downloaded later on from google play store. So now what folder do I put the new rom update.img file in with moborobo so that it will ask me to update the firmware?

      This is what eric said about the situation but I tried it and it didn’t work for me so any ideas on what I should do next?
      June 17, 2013 at 2:07 pm

      Please try to do this, download the firmware, decompress it, and rename the img file to update.img.
      copy the update.img to your micro sd card, insert to your tronsmart t428,and then the t428 will inform you find a new firmware update, click ” update button” and then you will get the new firmware installed.

    12. Thanks Ravi, that worked for me 😀

    13. There is a line missing in the TPSparkyRoot.bat to push the SuperSU.apk to the device.

      You need to edit TPSparkyRoot.bat and add the line in bold:
      echo — Installing SuperSU
      adb push SuperSU.apk /system/app/SuperSU.apk
      adb shell chown root.root /system/app/SuperSU.apk

    14. password dosent work


    16. Bruno Torres Boeger

      No luck getting the PC to detect the stick… any ideas?

    17. I have the same problem. I connect my Tronsmart CX-919 to the pc (test in 3 different pcs in fact) using USB Debugging activated and none of the work.
      The PC do not recognize any new hardware.
      Can anyone help?

    18. Alright, I just did about a million things, and finally it worked under win7 x64. I think the trick was running the driver assistant here:

      I think my PC was missing the ADB drivers. After running that, I see “Android Composite ADB Interface” in the device manager with Rockchip, Inc. as the manufacturer.

      For rooting, I didn’t have to hold the flash button and plug it in. You have to enable USB debugging, but also go to Settings -> USB -> Connect to PC. The rooting script reboots the device a few times, and you have to do this each time to reconnect it.

      For the record, I also messed with the drivers here:

      Hopefully one of those links can help you out!