Great News. We finnly found the easy way to ROOT Tronsmart TS4 MTK6589 Smart Phone
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Before you root. It need you install ADB drivers on your PC. (Generally, it can be installed automatically when you use pc suit software connact your phone, such as Moborobo ) or install yourself.
Drivers download link: or
Download link 1: Download Root tool & Instruction
Download link 2: Download Root tool & Instruction
Install it on Windows PC(XP, win7).
Connact you phone with pc via USB.
Open the tool, If you did not install the driver it will not work. Do step by step as instruction.
If failed, close the tool window, open and try again.
Could you please release the kernel source code and everything needed to port a custom ROM for this device?
The root tool fails to install on my win7 32bit system after un-7zipping it to a directory.
The error report is:
NSIS Error
Error launching installer.
in an alert box.
Is there a way to install CWM or TWRP recovery for the Tronsmart TS4 MTK6589??
I has installed to my pc with WIN7 32bit. you can download the tool again.
Hi all, I really like this phone and want to buy it. Only problem is lack of users feedbacks regarding quality of the phone. I have found only some negative comments about not-working gps. I want to use it as car navigation as well, so it’s quite worrying for me. Can you please provide any feedback about the phone? Cheers
Juraj, the build quality is excellent. GPS works flawlessly at least here in Spain.
Regarding the TS4 itself again, CWM recovery would be a lifesaver for us that like to mess arround with roms frequently. Do you think that it could be possible for you geekbuying devs to release a Clockwork mod recovery for us TS4 owners?.
check my youtube vids
Hi All, all the GPS function on mtk Phone are similar. It can serch satellite. but if you’d like to use the navigation, there are 2 points First quickly find your position with AGPS, that need you turn wifi or date transfer 2. with offline maps. this help you project the lane.
It will be ok in these two days. and i am trying another link.
there is instruction with PIC about how to root. do follow the pic shows.
Hi Roy, ROOT is the way to get the super right to the OS the phone, you can diy your ROM, delete the system APPS, BUT it is danger to to that. the phone may not work if you do something wrong. so it isn’t must to root.
Thx Kristin
Hi all, I’ve got TS4 since yesterday. It’s great phone, but I’ve got three issues:
1. I can’t use my 3G sim card ‘Orange Slovakia’, it doesn’t work after I have turned it on in settings -> data usage -> mobile data for Orange SK.
In Mobile network setting is enabled 3G for Orange SK. This sim is in first slot / not in GSM only one;) Do you have any hints?
2. Is any working driver for this phone? OS on my PC is Vista 32 bit.
3. GPS – In Navigation app it cannot find satellites. A-GPS, EPO, wifi connected and all is on. Any news about this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Juraj,
Have you updated ‘Sim Management’ in the OS to set this sim to be used for ‘Data’? and ‘Video Calls’ which force it to be the 3G sim if you are using two?
Thx, Roy
Roting instructions at are EASIER CLEANER and mich much better explained. And IT WORKS!!!
hi how do i backup the phone 1st before trying to root
You can try to use this software: