okay, guys, Geekbuying bring the other good news for you!!! In our effort, iMito factory finally made this Android 4.2 Firmware for their imito mx1 and mx2 series. Now, for imito mx1 and mx2 users, you can try the latest firmware in your device.
Here is the firmware download link:
Download link 1: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?x8f02u2ga4c34rp
Download link 2:https://mega.co.nz/#!ZE1VWBaA!RjtJtB9ysW4gmpTWPq8yR3GRQkMDmr4gbWyXU10YJDM
Password is geekbuying.com
Please make sure to use the flash tool to do the upgrade, don’t use the micro sd card to do the update!
Here is the flash tool you may use:
If there is password also geekbuying.com
It’s very easy to flash:
Just open the flash tool, load the firmware you just download, and then go to find a paper clip and press the recovery button( it should be near the male hdmi port, a small hole) and at the same time connect your imito mx1 or mx2 with your PC, and now you will see the “1” change to green colour,and then click the restore.
Here is some screenshot after you succesfully flash:
Hi, is it true 1080p firmware?
No, it is not 1080P, if you need 1080p,you can flash the 1080p kernel by yourself, however, factory won’t release 1080p, because that will make cpu working in high temp.and they don’t like this.
thanks for clarification
Will Bob publish a custom version with Android 4.2?
Yes,he will as usual,just give him a little time. he is super busy with the quad core tv stick now 🙂
F*cking awesome 🙂
Thank you guys so much!!!
where can one find the 1080p kernel?
Great Work
But the download link is not working?
Sorry All good works fine with IE
bob on freaktab will do it, just wait patience.
What is the advantage of using this version to replace the older version 1.7a? Can anyone name one thing that works better? It looks like all this does is change the device name from a GT-I9100 phone to the iMito MX Series!
Never mind, the link to the download doesn’t work anyway. The whole thing was a fraud.
Fraud?? I don’t know why you are saying this.I still can open the download link,please try to open with IE.
lots of people has flashed it successfully.
Ok, well it’s intermittent, sometimes it works and sometimes it fails with IE 10. Why do you keep saying try to open with IE when the site itself says to use Google Chrome? You must know the site is flaky or are you are just being silly?
So what’s the point of upgrading Android anyway? I don’t see how it will make anything better!
I think Steve C is using an Nokia 3210 as a smartphone 😉
No I have a Galaxy S-2.
With Android 2.3?
Wonder if they fixed 5.1 HDMI passthrough and possible USB sound devices.
Hmm, Just installed this and wonder if it supports ethernet?
I was able to get it installed and then I can turn on ethernet but when I do it with the RJ45 plugged in it turns off.
In the last finless ROM it worked properly.
Is this versione also for MK809II? where does I can find an installation guide?
Is your MK809 II use the mediatek wifi and bluetooth chipset, if so, you can try it.
the installation guide has been in the post, please check again.
How can I check the wifi and bluetooth chipset?
Download link not work in IE and Chrome. Upload it to another host.
Ok,we will upload to other place.
The download link was really strange. It came down in 6 minutes, then just sat there for about 5 doing nothing I could see, then saved all at once.
Is the old firmware scaled up 720 to 1080? or did they decide to lock it lower for the release so the unit doesn’t burn up?
hmmm… mine always turns pink… and when i click on “restore” it tells me that “this operation didn’t do, because of not supporting!”
PLEASE help…
mega.co.nz download link worked fine on iMac/OSX10.8/Firefox. Flash tool is PC only, used old stuffit expander to extract update, copied to root of USB stick. Poked it into iMitoMX1. Updated!!
Thanks Geekbuying!
Thanks for the feedback for Mega.co.nz. We just mirror the file to another host for more customers to download.
Hi, we just mirror it to mediafire, you can download it again.
this is new android 4.2 firmware, and still 720p. if you need 1080p, you should wait for the custom roms.
Hi, your imito usb driver has not been installed correctly? please try to use your another usb port in your pc to connect and follow the instruction to install the driver first.
Is Twonky Beam works on this software?
Might everyone wants to know that.
Also, I can’t see the changing pink label to green.
Can I use old update method using micro SD card?
Please help me.
I forced to update from TF slot…. I saw Android robot and progress bar gains on TV.
But cannot boot. Is there any way to rescue, or just a trash?
i updated it and now imito doesn’t boot. Is it just me?
OK. I manage to recover. Everything is fine. Your tool is perfect!.
–for the people in trouble
Maybe rockchipusbdriver must be installed to your PC manually.(Windows XP).
If the purple doesnt turn into green, just hit the switch button.
It worked for me.
Got mine to update. I’ve got one a silly MX1 that dose not have reset button.
Install the Rockchip usb drivers first.
Run the update program and select image.
Connect to computer and turn on PC connection.
The “1” should turn pink.
Press the “switch” button
Wait till the “1” turns green and then click install.
What are the advantages firmware 4.2 instead of 4.1 for iMito MX1/MX2?
I installed easily with the update.img on usb stick.
Just one question. Since I updated the device goes in standby after about 10s of inactivity. The screen get back if I move the mouse or press a key.
How could I change this timing to few minutes or more ?
Gregox the main reason I put 4.2 on was multiuser. But I can’t seem to find a log out button.
Dun74 mine doesn’t ever sleep, if you find out how let us know.
Will this update wipe the MX1 or will all settings, apps etc be kept intact?
Is the rom rooted?
If not, can it be?
Any special attention for those (like me) that have finless installed?
Hello Guys,
I have a few questions before updating my stick.
1) Will this update delete everything i have installed so far? If yes, is there a way to back up EVERYTHING and restoring it after the update
2) Do i really need a pc to update my stick? Because my stick is a bit hard to reach and i would prefer to update with an app which reads the image of a usb stick or something like that.
Thnx for your help!
the android 4.2 stock rom won’t come with rooted, you can root it with the old method.
@ledzgio I flashed this rom and can confirmed this does work with the mk809ii
wifi very stable.
haven’t tested bluetooth, but i am sure it is fine.
rom is stable, not as snappy as the 4.1, but once a custom rom (finless) is available i am sure it will be fine.
XBMC custom works.
wifi screen sharing works, but was not smooth.
Does any body else have problem with Netflix and Hulu+ after the up date? Netflix the screen is distorted and H+ gives an error before the video starts.
Also does and body know of an app that will take you to the lock screen so I can keep other people out of my stuff?
Same as Mikey, Netflix video doesn’t work. Did try H+.
Yep, Netflix don’t work on android 4.2 tv stick,that’s sucks. if you need netflix working, downgrade to android 4.1
My device bricked after your update. What do i do?
How can it bricked? you can try to flash it again or flash back to other roms
flashtool link doesn’t work. can i use flashtool 1.7 instead, or could you give another working link to download from?
Can’t download flash tool. Dropox temporary disabled becouse of high public traffic.
UPdated,please check!
Netflix working?
Hi. It’s easiest to copy the image to your SD card then insert into your iMito. It gets recognized automatically and installed. I gave up making the flash tool and drivers work in Windows 8 (64 bit).
Ok. It won’t boot anymore.
I’m unable to get my imito mx1 in recovery mode. I tried all sorts of thing.. holding the recovery button with a pin then powering on but it won’t be detected.. if i just power on it will appaer in pink in flash tool.. please help.. the usb drivers are already installed.
iMito MX1/MX2 Get Android 4.2 Update,Firmware Download Here
hi i received this in the mail today and tried it out. found out there was an update so i updated it. now it doesn’t work on my tv. it works as i have tried it on my monitor but it cannot be seen on my tv. please id there a fix for this? thank you, steve
Please remember to Erase NAND (IDB) *BEFORE* you flash any ROM or you will run into issues!
is this discussion still open? I’ve been trying to post for a long time!
I’ve been trying to upgrade my mx2, but i think it failed. the tool says the upgrade went fine, but i dont see anything on my tv when i boot up my mx2. Can someone please help me?