This is the official firmware for Tronsmart MK908. which has solved the Netflix problem, now Netflix can run without problem.
You can download the firmware here:
Firmware update tool download link:
Firmware update instruction, you can check here:
I was having audio problems before flashing 4.2 last night. Now my audio is perfect. WiFi is faster and the MK908 is running faster also. XBMC (v13) works very well now to with no lag or endless buffering.
However, Bluetooth will not connect to previously connected devices. Also, DroiteMote not working. I tried a 2.4GHz USB mouse, but it interferes with WiFi. So, I have no way of wirelessly controlling the MK908. Any suggestions for a fix?
Hi Neil, i just tested the droidmote, it’s working fine here,please try again,and which bluetooth device you use before? and for 2.4Ghz USB Mouse, i am also no problem to use it, and there is other way to control it, see here
Geekbuying Admin, thanks for prompt reply. I have a Samsung Epic 4G Touch (Galaxy S II) running JellyBean. It is seen by MK908 and the phone sees the MK908 as well. They will pair. However, when I try to connect, they will not. Also, I previously connected with a Motorola Bluetooth keyboard. It also pairs but will not connect. I guess I have a faulty unit because 2.4Ghz USB mouse causes Network connection problem. Also, Droidmote just says “server is unreachable”. It worked before the upgrade, then stopped working a few days before the I upgraded to 4.2. I even installed BusyBox, as developer suggested. No joy.
FYI, just installed and tried RKRemote Control. The app running on my phone (yes, they are connected to same network via WiFi) never “sees” the Rockchip device (ie, the MK908). I refreshed many times and nothing is ever seen. So, it doesn’t work either.
have you tried with different smartphone to check? and please let me know your order number.
Eric at Geekbuying, thanks for your reply. Yes, I’ve tried my wife’s smartphone. The devices pair, but will not connect. My order number was #3041387 and I have had issues all along with this device. Can you send me a replacement to try out? Then I will send back this (defective?) unit.
Some comments on the driver situation.
a) Use the drivers from the stand alone driver archive on the linked instructions page, do NOT use the drivers from the Batch Tool archive. The batch tools include version 3.00 of the driver which will not work, the stand alone archive is version 3.50 which do.
b) If the stick shows up under “Disk Drives” in the Device Manager, you weren’t holding the reset button down properly. If you do it correctly it will show up as a new category called “Class for Tronsmart mk908” or possibly “Class for RockChip rk3188” or something to that effect, I can’t remember exaclty. If Windows installs drivers for it, right click on the device in the Device Manager and choose Properties, then if the driver version is not 3.50.x.x, Update Driver and you can browse to your driver download without having to unplug the stick over and over.
Once I finished battling with Windows, the upgrade went very smoothly. RockChip needs to get their stuff working under the standard adb/fastboot toolchain. Anyone that releases windows only tools for a Android Linux device loses some respect from me.
Other than that, this device is awesome. The upgrade is a wonderful improvement.
Thank you GeekBuying!
Cannot download firmware: “This account’s public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!”
Are you using the 5V 2A power adater which in the package? lots of customers has flashed this rom,and no the problem you are talking,please check.
I just bought brand new mk908 , having prefect wifi connection , however it seems to be disconnected after couple of minutes (1~2) , if I turn the mk-wifi off and than on, it seems to work for couple of minutes .
Any suggestions ??? please anyone ????