Ok, guys. We bring the newest Android 4.2 firmware for Tronsmart T428.
It fix the netflix problem, fix the bluetooth problem.
I tested with Logitech C170 Webcam, skype video chat working.
I tested with 1TB USB hard driver, working ok.
So Let’s GO:
Firmware Download Link
Firmware Update instruction, check here
Here are screenshot after you flash successfully:
how is xbmc video streaming?
Flashing now, I will report back with xbmc, netflix and bluetooth testing.
Ok as expected this Rom is stock so it’s not rooted. You will have to do that manually.
Netflix working great
Cant get xbmc working. choppy as~!
I have just published a rooted version of the firmware:
Ok, everything fine now, I reflash two time and now Bluetooth OK 🙂
So you tested with a 1TB USB Hard Drive and which hub did you use maybe this one that you guys recommend http://www.geekbuying.com/item/USB-2-0-RJ45-10MB-100MB-LAN-USB-HUB–2-in-1–USB-Adapter-for-PC-Computer-Laptop-312224.html and what about USB Flash Drives can you use a 128gb flash drive and are these types of media as fast for movie playback as would be using a 32gb Sandisk Ultra Micro SD for example?
I just installed the latest update firmware (May 30) twice for the Tronsmart T428 and now every time I click on an app (Yahoo, Google, Google Play, etc) that is linked to the internet the Android Stick reboots Do you have a solution for this?
which power charger are you using? i don’t have this problem here.
HI,we don’t have a 32gb micro sd card to test, just have a sandisk 16gb sd card,i will try to test for you.
It still lacks the modules dns_resolver.ko, md4.ko and cifs.ko to connect to a network share.
I guess you do not have time for this ROM.
Is it planned for the next ROM, otherwise how can we add?
cifs.ko for network share would be great!!!!
Hi thanks for update
but i want to use cifs manager
so Can you include cifs.ko module next rom?
I confirm that the USB Webcams are WORKING !!!!
Thank you Geekbuying!! 🙂 I’ll buy more T428s for sure! 😀
haha, Thanks!!!
Heard that video deciding is broken on these devices at a hardware level and that the new rk3188 soc has many other problems based on its design that no firmware will ever be able to fix
cyouth858 Do you have any source for it ?
link does not work.
UPdates,please check!
the VPN service is working with this ROM?
I mean, using apps like VPN1click or hidemyass, are you able to connect to their servers??
In all previous ROMS the VPN service was working just with the manual setting, but not with these services.
Please let me know
Thank you
Hi, I cannot get any mic input to work. Tried your USB audio tide 3D stick as you recommended, did not work. Webcam works but built in mic still does not. Can only use Skype in chat mode. Please advise thanks
Using the batch tool, flashing fails 10% into checking firmware after downloading it. I’m running win8/64. Same thing happens using the batch tool with the 4.2 and the rooted version from arctablet, as well as the finless 4.1.1 firmware using the PC flash tool. Same thing if I go back to start, get rid of driver (the Win8/64 driver) and do it all again. Any suggestions where to go next?
Whith 802.11ac the max speed I get is 65Mbps.
USB webcams work, but only recieve video with no microphone input working. Can only use chat with Skype and person can’t hear what I’m saying.
which usb camera you are using? do you use any webcam which built in mic to test? like logitech C170?
have you tried to change another usb cable or try another usb port in your pc?
Please enable the multi-user mode of Android 4.2 for the next rom or let us know how to do it. This is a very important feature to have the ability to login as different users. Also, many apps are not available in google-play for this device and I noticed that the device is identified as an iPad/iPhone in many web sites. Is it possible to correct that?
Thank you.
I am using a UVC compliant Microsoft VX 800 webcam with mic which runs perfectly under linux and windows. The camera works fine but the mic does NOT work. I also tried your 3d tide usb audio device with separate mic as your recommendation but it simply does not work at all. My powered usb hub is perfect works with external hard drive and everything else no problem. I do not believe anybody so far has successfully used audio input with skype or similar. The problem is that the t428 roms so far do not support usb audio device output or input. Please can you get tronsmart to fix this. Then we will have a near perfect stick computer !! Thanks 🙂
Eric: Yes I’ve tried two other cables and another independent port that all work well for other things with no difference. However, for a lark I flashed the new 4.2 firmware using the batch tool and after the error (almost immediate this time) I hooked the T428 to my TV and to Ethernet and lo and behold everything (Netfilx, Chrome, and the store at least) work perfectly, although the initial boot took a very long time (5 min). So whatever causes the error while checking the new firmware on the device, it doesn’t seem to be a problem with the firmware itself or is inside code that I haven’t used yet (and am unlikely to use). Thanks for the response!
ok, i will transfer to tronsmart and ask them to fix!
Hi Eric,
could you please ask to tronsmart to fix the problem related to VPN services as well, please?
With every ROM I tried, I am not able to connect to the VPN server… I tried VPN1click, hidemyass and so on (5-6 aps) and noone of them is working… the VPN manual setting is working instead…
Thank you
Can you also request a 1080 kernal as well. There is no point having 1080 hardware when there is no kernal to run the content.
YES,i am doing that!
how to make ethernet connection work?
You need to get a USB TO Ethernet adapter
Perhaps sanger is having trouble getting the supplied Ethernet to USB adapter working. I got mine to work by connecting it (through a good hub) then turning off WiFi, then powering the T428 down for a while (>1min) and then powering it up again. The router was setup to accept incoming DHCP requests (probably the default on all routers) and the T428 connected immediately. It’s a gigabit line and the T428 is very very fast! I haven’t tried turning on WiFi again to see if both connections or only 1 works but if you have a cable it’s way faster.
Ethernet worked fine, my router’s ip settings were stopping to connect. All the ip addresses were accupied, increased the number of ip connections then all was good.
Does anyone know if the ac internet has been fixed to go above 65mbps yet? And will this get better read speeds if you use a Lexar 600x Micro SD Card?
I think this depends on the wifi chipset, check the samsung galaxy s3 and s4 or iphone, they are all reach 65mbps.
Ok I will test the T428 with a 5ghz wireless N Dlink router when I get it soon and I will report back the speeds I am able to achieve since I haven’t seen anyone else test for this yet. Shouldn’t the Broadcomm WIFI AP6330 Chipset that it has in be capable of this and more with ac and 5ghz?
This is what cnx-soft had to say about it
You may have noticed 802.11ac (1.8 Gbps) Wi-Fi support with Broadcom AP6330 module. This seems really high-end, and I can’t find any reference to AP6330. So I’ve asked GeekBuying for confirmation. [Update: Some RK3188 mini PC will use AP6210, others AP6330 like T428. AP6330 can support 5Ghz WiFi frequency, but AP6210 just supports 2.4Ghz. There’s about $10 US difference between the two modules. GeekBuying tested the connection with a 5GHz router and it works, however they don’t have 802.11ac router yet, so they decided to remove 802.11ac from the listed specs for now]
i m connecting my Dell BH 2000 Bluetooth headset ,music n other media sound are working perfectly but problem is it’s mic as whenever i try to run record app or voice search it crash the app so i don’t think it’s detected the mic? please help me as this headset was working flawlessly with my mobile n other Android devices…
thanking you
Netflix does not work.
We have tested, and watched long time netflix,it can work, why do you say it don’t work? have you flashed successfullly?
Please, would like to have a 1080 kernel.
Hi everyone,
Is there any way to make a NON ROOTED T428 rom based on this stock rom with an editied Build.prop that suggests it is a Samsung Device with a UK local for a NON-ROOTED device?
I require it for Skygo, I have a Custom Rom Finless 1.5a, but skygo will not work as it is rooted.
I thought if I could build a rom or edit the stock rom and inject the following items then I might get it going…
Problem is I do not know where to even start… I tried youtube and that stuff is WAY over my head
In this ROM, is screen rotation enabled? For example, if I download an app which locks the screen orientation (like Ultimate Rotation Control or similar apps), will it actually be able to work? (I would test this myself but I still don’t have my T428 yet). I know most android PC sticks usually cannot use these kinds of orientation locking apps unless running a custom ROM where screen rotation is enabled.
I ask because I want to use this on a monitor in portrait orientation and would like to know if that’s possible.
Hi, I need help connecting my T428 to my computer. I pressed the recovery button and plug in the USB cable. Waited and nothing happens. followed all the instructions I can find, tried on two computers. There were no difference on either. Also turned on USB debug under the setting/admin.
I connected the T428 to my TV and did the recovery + power, and it showed the recovery system v4.2, now what?
HI, you should press the recovery button on the side all the time, and don’t leave your hand, with your another hand, put the t428 connect with your PC.
OK, thanks breath… I have had a look into it further,
You can use an app called “HIDE HDMI” but it requires root access to install… However if its installed as part of the OS then it might work… I knnow it works for Flixster…
I am hoping someone who knows about this stuff might get involved… I have PM’d Finless to see if he will carry out the work if I donate a £30 or £40 ($50- $65) but I fully understand if he does not want to do it
Fingers Crossed
Hi ace,
I did not know that app.. but, in any case , if it needs ROOT rights to work skygo wont work… again 🙁
Let me know if you come across with something interesting.
couldnt find “Hide hdmi” app but found something else you might try an see if it works.
Hdmi Virtual Switch
this app will hide HDMI input state.
Therefore making the HBO app think you arn’t using HDMI.
!!!!!!!This app is for ROOTED devices only!!!!!
end quote
I still can’t get my T428 to root or connect to the pc so could you please offer a way to just auto update this device. Also will the internet signal be improved with a rom flash because I had to get a wireless extender just to get decent internet on it. Also my Android version says 4.2.2 kernel 3.0.36 just like the picture above is this the newest rom or is geekbuying talking about something entirely different?
Hi Buddy,
What happens when you try to connect to the computer?
are you using a PC or MAC?
I just can’t get it to work, I have win & and once I connect the device it says that the device was not connected properly, I tried to run HDWWIZ but I get an error massage that it can not install it.
Please provide a more detailed process, I got the product for Netflix and can use it.
Please try to do this, download the firmware, decompress it, and rename the img file to update.img.
copy the update.img to your micro sd card, insert to your tronsmart t428,and then the t428 will inform you find a new firmware update, click ” update button” and then you will get the new firmware installed.
XBMC doesnt work 🙁
which version XBMC you use?
Eric can you please explain what folder to put the update.img file into I tried it but it still didn’t work there must be something else you have to do to get it to work maybe the file name was wrong?
hi, you just need to put the update.img file in your root folder of micro sd card, please make it to update.img. not update.img.img. you can try to remove” .img” in your name.
Ok I did what you said Eric and it worked and said it updated and then asked me to delete the file off the system so that it wouldn’t update again and so I said yes to that. But then when I go to Dev Options is still says the kernel is root#1 from Arpil 11th Android 4.2.2 and also my storage space is still only 500mb so I believe this did nothing even though it said congrats what do you think I should try next?
Still can’t connect the T428 to any of my Computers. Tried on win7 32bit,64bit and win8 64bit. None can detect the device. When ever I pushed the recovery button (tired holding it for 15mins) it just goes to the recovery system ver 4.2, it doesn’t connect to the pc. Use the recovery system to flash back to factory setting. Still the same thing. It seems only going to the onboard recovery system.
So any way to update with the recovery system?
hmm, strange, you have problem in trying to flash with RKBATCH TOOLS?
Well it seems many people are having the same problem as me. Eric why did mine say it updated but the nothing changed when I look at the kernel? This getting to be maddening.
it must missing something in the kernel, i have reporeted to tronsmart, and wait for a fix.
not the rktool, I can’t connect the stick to any of the PC I have. none of my pc detects the thumb stick. don’t know why, maybe my stick is broken. Tried to push the button directly, still no go. It only goes to the recovery system. Therefore RKtool can’t detect the device and can’t upgrade to higher firmware.
When are you going to fix this usb issue geekbuying? I had to request a refund because of this.