Hello, everyone! Ainol Novo8 Find(Discovery) has introduced, but there is no official firmware. Today i’ll share the Ainol Novo8 Find(Discovery) Android 4.1 custom firmware with you.
If your tablet has no problem, upgrading is not recommended.
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Following the steps to upgrade your tablet:
1, Install the upgrade tool
2, Open the tool and choose the right files to upgrade
3, Shutdown the tablet
4, Press Volume + and connect the tablet to computer at the same time, wait 5 sec, prompts to install driver
5, Upgrade the tablet
Upgrade time has some differences between different computers, usually in 3 minutes can be upgraded successfully, unplug the charger and USB data cable after a successful upgrade, press the power button 8 seconds, the machine will reboot into the system. First upgrade boot, requires about 2-3 minute into the system, then check the version number of tablet, if has changed, indicating a successful upgrade.
You have the stock firmware in case of any problem?