Hi Guys today i will share with you the Bedove HY5001 Stock Firmware and Flash method
Download link: Bedove HY5001 Stock Firmware
Password: geekbuying.com
Flash tool: http://www.mediafire.com/download/slxszvc8vastetc/SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1312.0.139.rar
Drivers: http://www.mediafire.com/download/22n1q034nb36fxd/MTK65XX_Driver.rar
Note: pls install the drivers if it is the first time flash your phone on the PC.
1. Choose the file as below shows:
2. click up upgrade and contact your phone with pc. It will flash auto. after 100% and a green small window appears, everything will be ok.
I thought I would just like to share this in case someone has the same problem as me. If you root and mess up the rom, e.g get stuck in a bootloop then all you need to do is hold power and volume down with the device turned off. This gets you into recovery mode, or “factory mode”. Once you are there. Start the flash process on the flash tool and at the bottom it should say searching. The recovery menu on the hy5001 is all in chinese which is a pain. So you just need to select the menu which says emmc. The screen will go black and the flash process should start. I spent 2 hours figuring this out. hopefully this will mean you won’t need to wast time to figure out what really should be on the manufacture’s website. But hey, that’s what you get for buying generic. Hope this helps
Thanks for sharing, it´s good to know this information exists. I have messed up my Bedove HY5001 ROM and wanted to figure out how to fix it, hope this works.