All credit to Alok on freaktab, he made this great post. we just share with our customers, it is really good for RK3188 base tv sticks or tv box.
Close on the heals of release of 4.4.3, we are happy to present PicUntu 4.5-nand-BasicGUI, A complete Linux distribution all images (yes kernel, system, boot et all) AND the installer. The zipped file and a few clicks, will be all it takes, to get your own PicUntu.
Download the file is here — > PicUntu 4.5-nand-BasicGUI
PicUntu 4.5 Basic Installer kit aims to make the installation, configuration and operations easy and convenient for end user to be able to use it, without worrying about the technology behind it.
All this packed in less than 247 MB !! – that’s PicUntu 4.5-NAND-BasicGUI-kit
What does it do?
One click (actually 4 ) install of PicUntu on Android stick.
Who is it for?
- Home use, multimedia users – even with 720p video files, the average load on CPU does not go beyond 30-35%.
- Small servers, linux desktops, linux webservers ( is a web-server running on PicUntu 2.2 since Feb 2013)
- In addition to the home users for the multi-media PicUntu-4.5 is the first business device that works out-of-the box for business users as well.
- It is snappy, fast and robust.
What device is it for ?
Currently, this is optimized for MK802IV, but will work for many other 3188 devices (though I have yet to test them). Will be releasing kernels for other devices soon.
What does it have?
- It has PicUntu 4.5 – kernels, boot, system file, with basic GUI.
- It is based on Ubuntu 13.04, with xfce4.
- I have added support for more than 200+ drivers, it should be a breeze to connect peripherals to this. If not, let me know with a pointer to source and I will try to get the driver compiled.
- File system support – nfs, ntfs, cramfs, cifsutils, smb… – several remote controls, external usb ethernet, external usb wifi, vpn, pptp, vtun, Serial port – FTD, usb serial, UART, GPS-Garmin, sound card, touch screen… and many more (more than 200.)
- Built in RDP application – run it like a powerful and hybrid thin client – to run and access Windows/Linux/Other OS.
- Lot of tweaking has been done on the system level to make it responsive and blazing fast – Give it a spin, you would see the difference yourself.
- Sound/Video work off the first boot.
- Wlan0 should be pre-loaded, just click on the wicd-network to configure for your network.
*** WARNING ***
- This package deletes all data from the your device. Your ANDROID will be gone !!
- MOST manufacturers will void their warranty, if you flash un-authorized ROMs
- I have heard of people bricking their device permanently, though I have yet to witness this.
- So please be careful, you would be responsible for your own loss – or loads of fun.
*** WARNING ****
How do I install this?
- Use Windows machine, Download Unzip at any location.
- Click on rk_flash_1.37–> RKAndroidtool.exe
- At this time you need to get the device in bootloader mode. Use a pin to press the button on the device (this is explained on the forums) or run reboot bootloader in android.
- On your windows PC, when the application is launched, you should see at the bottom – “Device Found for Flashing”
- ** If you get that message go ahead, if not go back to step 5 and 6 till you get the message “Device Found for Flashing” ***
- Make sure that the following options are CHECKED
- binloader
- parameter
- kernel
- boot
- system
- Basically the following have to be UNCECKED (NOT SELECTED)
- misc
- recovery
- backup
- (I don’t yet know how to configure the flashtool, once I do, step 7 can be eliminated – if some kind soul can share with me – I will be obliged)
- First Erase NAND
- Select Flash ROM
The device should now boot into a fresh new PicUntu.
* IMPORTANT NOTE * – The first boot
- The first time, it boots, it will take a while to come up... lot of work goes on , filesystem is resized, wifi module is modprobed. and other minor optimization. It might even appear to have stalled, wait for it to come back. It will come back.
- If it does not boot into the GUI the first time – after having waited for about 3-5 minutes.
- Reboot the device. This time it should be faster.
- The login user is “picuntu” the password is “12qwaszx” (please change this password asap)
What does not work (yet)
– Hardware video acceleration
– Bluetooth.
– My Lenovo Touchscreen 🙁
Some key people who deserve credit for this work
– mmm123 (for sharing his learning)
– leolas (always eager to help)
– linuxium (for the nand configuration file, partition schema, rkwifi.ko insertion.. and many more things…)
– Galland – (for his nice work on framebuffers, video and basically everything hardware)
– Omegamoon and Astralix have been instrumental in getting the PicUntu going on the 3188 devices. Including the latest 3.0.72+ sources, which is available for use on his github.
– I used Finless ROMs parameter files and his postings to learn about the basics of boot.img
– I used rk3xxmodtools to zip/unzip create boot image files… (have a shell script file now)
– Borrowed from several users on the forums – the small tips of things they have solved various issues – from time, to sound, to many other…
– Andrew Kirby, Perry Kivolowitz have been extra-ordinarily generous with their support by sponsoring development devices. Many devices were received.
– Several people have contributed for documenting
– many more who I may have missed above, but their work deserves accolades.
Source + .Config
The source used is from the original Linux3188 source code released – this is where it is
All kernels, I create have /proc/config.gz enabled, just use any of the devices to use the same for your own kernels.
EDIT: This one does NOT have the /proc/gz – My bad, I have updated the config file on the github, you can get the same here. The next updated version will carry this.
Linux users
Can you use Linux to flash this into your stick. You can theoritically flash the images – boot, kernel, system at the respective places using Linux desktop. There are also some very awesome tools created by linuxerwang, galland that help you flash the files.
However, for large file transfers, there is always a scope of errors to creep in. And hence, more often than not it fails. Perry was working on this, and he put in some checks at each write and read – but, I am not sure, if the final files have been working (specially for large files – system.img decompresses to 1.2Gb)
What happens, if I want my android back
Worry not, you can always switch back to andrioid, by flashing back the stock rom or the various – very nice android custom roms available across various forums. Ofcourse, you would have to let go of PicUntu.
I have never been a fan of the LZMA format, even though I knew they give a higher compression settings… Tar/gz was working great for me. BUT… seeing others use this format, I wondered if it would give enough reasons for the shift. And sure enough, it shaved off about 25% of the file size in compression. (another learning from the forums). WinRAR will be a good option to uncompress this.
What’s Next
- Other devices to be supported – I am keen on K-R42, TronSmart T428, MK908, RADXA..
- Release a ‘full’ gui version, with complete processing world – gimp, libreoffice, media players, editors etc. Even now, you can manually do this by add the specific applications.
- Release a ‘server’ version to run headless. You can pretty much install any server even today (available from Ubuntu 13.04) repos. We will make it pre-loaded and pre-configured.
- More drivers.
- But most importantly, we would continue to make it more and more simple for the end user.
Work great! I hope the future roadmap will also include the Ugoos UT1 (Kaiboer F4). almost same structure with K-R42
Download files filed.
please assist
You can also picuntu install on the cx-919?
Yes,you can.
I just check again,it can download, please try again.
It works great on a Tronsmart T428 with an USB ethernet Adapter.
thanks for big efforts to get normal Linux running on this mini PC!
Currently i need this device to put home webserver on it. I want to unload my Corei7 machine and don’t run it 24 hours a day.
i want to ask, could you suggest some quad core devices where PicUntu definitely will work ? For example where i live in Ukraine such devices available:
1. CX-919 (V919)
2. Tronsmart T428
3. Tronsmart MK908II
4. MK809 III
5. MK802IV
6. Ugoos UG007B
And some others, but all of them based on RK3188
this instruction should work for all of the rk3188 base mini pc, but you know, those mini pc use different wifi chipset, so for the list you get, all of them can flash this picuntu, but some of them may lost the wifi and bluetooth, but you still can use ethernet.
Ok, good. But i need working wifi too, bluetooth not needed.
That one looking fine or
Could someone reply if wifi working on J22, thanks an advance.
Got it running on a cx-921 just a couple minutes ago. Now have to get WiFi working.
Sending this from my pipo m9pro.
I got mine J22 CX-912-||, succesfully installed PicUNTU on it. And wifi isn’t working, but as log says, trying to bring it up.
Currently i’m posting from Picuntu, Internet working via lan usb adapter.
Full dmesg log:
Any chance it will work ?
hi all,
I have an mk802iv with linuxium from ian morrison ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.0.36
I have a device driver that works only with a kernel more recent that 3.0.36
if I install picuntu this picuntu 4.5 based on ubuntu 13.04, what release of kernel I have?
is it safe, with this picuntu, to upgrade modules that ubuntu will suggests?
thank you so much
I just flashed this awesome release of Linux on my Tronsmart MK908II and wifi works fine out of the box! Thanks very much dude!
Wifi doesn’t work on Cx-921 :'(
Someone know wich module should be added to the kernel?