TV Boxes & Mini PCs

[ROM Download] Tronsmart MK908 Finless ROM 1.6 for V3 board

Here is the newest custom rom for Tronsmart MK908, it is made by Bob Finless, and fit for the V3 board.

Here is the changelog:

1) Rooted and new SU and Superuser applied that supports Android 4.2.2

2) Stock ROM was only 2 Gig of APP space.
BUT you also have parameter file options!
There are also 1gb, 2gb, 4gb and 6gb options.
Read below for how to change that in the flash tool.
Realize if you use this 6gb option, internal SDcard will only have about 600 megs of free space!

3) Debloated of junk APPs and Google Apps you can get from Google Play.
I also updated Google Play and required Google APPs to the latest version.

4) As always, full init.d support! If you do not know what that is… ignore it. For geeks that want to use it. It is there!

5) I re-enabled location services. This is now in the settings menu.
Tested and working with all APPs that use it.
Remember to turn off GPS as we have no GPS.

6) I also re-enabled accessibility options in settings.

7) Gameloft fix. This fixes Gameloft games from crashing to the desktop.
Many of them do not run and crash to the desktop. This is due to a license check based on the device.
Special thanks to Christian Troy for inventing this fix. I modded it for this ROM.

8) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say “not compatible”.
I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
Your device will show up in google play as Samsung device nopt a MK908 or RKSDK! Understand this please.
I also left the original build.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old
Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.
Reboot! You should be back to showing up as a 908.
WARNING if you do this, you need to be using the 1080 kernel or your screen will be oversized!

9) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).

10) 1080P Kernel if you want it! Tronsmart released a 1080 kernel but faked it back to 720.
I have unpacked it from boot and made it a choice in this ROM package.
See instructions below for how to choose the correct boot.img and kernel.img
720P boot and kernel is the default setup in my flash tool.

11) I fixed the double Camera icon showing up in the APP drawer.

For more information ALWAYS read the README in the ROM kit!


Geekbuying Blog


  1. Hi,

    I loaded this ROM and XBMC doesn’t seem to work with it, what version of xbmc do you suggest? I tried both 12.2 and 13 alpha2.


  2. I have downloaded the roms from the post and according to the description I attempted to flash my mk908. NO matter which approach I took for starting the procedure, neither of the tools did not detect the device.

    I am using Windows8.1 and Windows does detect the device and I can view its filesystem, however, the tools does not do that.

    The USB option is set to Connect with PC and the USB debugging is unchecked.

  3. Hi loving this ROM its the best out there, would there be any chance in adding 10 point touch for monitors? bought a new touch screen but the mouse moves like its getting moved from a touch pad (not native) would be a the top man ever

  4. Hello friends, I have a serious problem but simple for you, I buy 2 Tronsmart MK908 – RK3188 and connected to my TV not connected to Google Play with a message “Can not you establish a reliable connection to the server may be case of a temporary error or Android device not prepared to data Services “leave it like that and do not know how to fix it.
    MK908 The other said the same thing, and what I did was update you ROM but worse, this does not start, stays on the home screen “Google TV” and restarted, and then again and will not start.
    I did this Tronsmart MK908 1.5 with ROM_Flash_Tool_137 Finless 4.2.2 but something is wrong.

    I puden help solve both cases?
    know any tutorials to help me with the 2 MK908?
    Need any more information?

    I hope you can help me.


  5. Avatar photo

    PLEASE Try to flash your mk908 with this firmware:, do not use the custom rom. use the stock rom.

    and for the google play store problem, you should reset your wireless routers to fix it, it is not the problem for MK908, or you can use ethernet,i am sure it can work.

  6. Would there be any chance in adding 10 point touch for monitors? bought a new acer t232hl i have added a .idc file but still need 5 fingers to move the pointer about

  7. I was able to get Finless’ custom 1.6a rom working on my Tronsmart MK908 v3. It works well, random reboots have gone away and I was able to get wifi working by disabling location services.

    There are still some hiccups though, the latest being the process system failed upon startup, which is just a message and does not appear to affect performance.

    Speaking of performance, I need to do some fine tuning because this thing boggs down when doing bittorrent and even one other application. I know the MK908 should be running faster per the specs.

  8. Thank you finless bob! My original MK908 rom became corrupt and would not boot so I followed your finless 1.6 ROM instructions a I have a screaming xbmc device now. Your ROM fixed my issues and got rid of all the Chinese useless apps. It now scores +17K on Antutu and streams videos flawlessly. I considered trying your options to 1080p or larger app space but just followed the defaults for now. I couldn’t be happier.

  9. Do you plan to release ROMs for the V5 ?

    And btw, you should tell us what version you are selling, I wouldnt have bought the MK809 if I knew it was a v5.

  10. “Temporel says:
    December 1, 2013 at 10:49 am
    Do you plan to release ROMs for the V5 ?

    And btw, you should tell us what version you are selling, I wouldnt have bought the MK809 if I knew it was a v5.”

    I agree with Temporel….I was getting the v3 units and now I bought a bunch for Christmas and I received all v5. XBMC does not run well on these while using Full!screen and I cannot do any flashing since there are no custom ROMs. Plus no one at Geekbuying is getting back to me about where to find the stock TV launcher ROM for the v5 boards.

  11. Avatar photo

    sorry for the problem caused. i just saw your email, and know the factory release the V5 version, but even don’t let me know, sucks. i will contact them right now, and release the stock from for V5.

  12. hi nice firmware, I have one problem wireless display dont work.