Stock Firmware for CX-921 From Geekbuying
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

Stock Firmware for CX-921 From Geekbuying

Today I’d like to share with all the stock firmware for CX-921 Quad Core TV Box with Bluetooth Function,  and the update method, the same method with K-R42

1 Download the Stock Firmware for CX-921,    PASSWORD:

Download flash tool Here:


Drivers you might need can download here

2 Power on the CX-921 tv box with the power adapter in package;

3. Unzip the flash tool to your desktop or other convenient location and locate the folder RKBatchTool1.6 – inside this folder is the flash tool program RKBatchTool and the USB drivers for the CX-921 – Don’t open anything yet!
4. Unzip the stock firmware you just download, and you will get a file named: RK3188_BOX_U42-1_BT4.0_20130819  (1).img or similar, this is the actual firmware file.

5. Next you need your CX-921 and the mini USB – standard USB cable that came with the device.

6. See the pictures below. You need to press the small recovery button on the back which show in the photos

Stock Firmware for CX-921 From Geekbuying


One Comment

  1. I got a CX-921 – from geekbuying and it all seems great

    But I need expert help – I flashed on to the device and was wondering if any of you geniuses know how to change a parameter file over to my specifications. I would love a parameter file for this rom setup that basically divides the memory into 8*8 as every parameter file I tried from other ROMS will not work with it. Below is a copy of the original file.

    MAGIC: 0x5041524B
    ATAG: 0x60000800
    MACHINE: 3066
    CHECK_MASK: 0x80
    KERNEL_IMG: 0x60408000
    #RECOVER_KEY: 1,1,0,20,0
    CMDLINE:console=ttyFIQ0 androidboot.console=ttyFIQ0 init=/init initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000

    I think I only need to adjust the last 2 lines but I don’t know how – this is the original file with internal storage set at 2gb and nand having the rest of the 16 gb

    I would love it if someone could tell me how to memory into equal halves.
    you can email me the answer if you would like.