G910 Bluetooth Game controller just get new firmware update, it make the controller reconnect directly once it auto power off.
Here is the firmware download link:
Here is the firmware flash tool:
Please notice:
1 Use a windows pc to flash, don’t support linux or MAC now, i test on windows xp PC, working like charm;
2 Install the upgrade tool first, and then choose the firmware, click upgrade button;
If you still have problem when installing the firmware, feel free to let me know.
And we get a new game center for G910, you can download it here:
Here is some screenshot for this new game center,it is much better to operate in your TV.and it linked to some supported game download link in google play store.
Also when you click ” My Joystick” button,it will ask you to install the one app called” OpenPad Union”, with this app, you can make your G910 connect with your TV BOX or smartphone easily. like the following photos:
Here is the screenshot for the OpenPad Union App, Turn bluetooth on your smartphone or TV BOX, and then press Y+Home Button on G910, and then click the PLUS button in the following photo,
the app will help to search for the G910 game controller, once find it, you just need to click it, and then it will help to match with G910 game controller. after connect, you will see the following on your TV BOX or smartphones.and on your G910, you will just only the third led is light.
Please Notice, If you flash the newest firmware for G910, the old game center will stop working. and you will just use the newest game center.
We are working with the G910 factory, and push them to finish the support for MTK base smartphones. once that, we will release a new firmware.
Stay Tuned.
PS1 : Some customers ask what the difference between our G910 and wamo pro game controller, well, actually, they are from the same factory, however, the wamo pro game controller is designed for china market, the game center, and maual are all in chinese, the G910 is designed for foreign market, we push them to release the english game center, so our customers can use it without any language problem.
PS2: If you are having difficulty with the installation, try disabling your AntiVirus Software as the firmware is an executable file and can signal a false positive on older versions of AV programs
Did everything perfectly as stated in the guideline and also updated the gamepad firmware but when I try to connect with openunion pad,I get “connection interrupted” prompt and the game pad fails to connect with the phone even though the gamepad connects natively with android version on my phone but I’m having problem with using it for games like FIFA 14. Any help would be highly appreciated.
what is your smartphone model? now this game controller still don’t support MTK base smartphone, factory is working on this update.
Is this controller compatible with the Galaxy s4 and lg gpad 8.3 ??
Yes,it can.
After updating to the new firmware, I now have problem connecting the G910 to my Minix X7. No matter which combination I try, it just cannot connect via bluetooth. Previously before I flash with the new firmware, it was okay.
Can provide the old firmware for downlaod, please?
are you sure? because we use the newest firmware on G910 and play with NEO X7 without problem, please check again, also the old firmware can be found here:
at the bottom of the page.
Oh, yes I realised I am not familiar with android. Managed to connect to X7 using the new firmware too.
Victor: btw i found a clue, maybe u did not set your default input to your bitcom ime device. I set it and is able to connect my X7 via the new centre software too. Finally able to play dead trigger 2.
Hello. What setup this gamepad or game Battlefield 4?
The G910 Controller is working almost perfectly. This new GameCenter makes it very easy to use now. Only problem is when the joysticks are pressed in diagonal direction (left+up, right+up, down+right, down+left), the joystick is very jumpy and these controls don’t work.
Any idea on how to fix? Worked well in old Gamecenter
actually after trying it again, it does register diagonals, although you must move the stick precisely. And you can’t just move the stick without centering it first otherwise it will stop recognizing the stick movement. Hopefully it is easly fixable.
If this issue could be fixed, the controller would be perfect. I can’t really play game because if I accidentally press diagonal, the joystick is messed up
Hi, I have bought the Tronsmart MK908II and the Gamepad G910 fra geekbuying.com. The Tronsmart seems to work fine and I have installed the Game Launcher. I have alse updated the firmware in the G910. My problem is that when I pair the G910 to the MK908II the G910 will not lock in one of the modes. I start the gampad with holding the Y and clicking the Home button. It seems like they get paired but the three red lights on the G910 keeps on flashing. What can the problem be? If I try to pair through the Game Launcher I get the error message “connection interrupted”. I have set the – Bitgames IME as default keyboard & input method as well..
I tried a some times more and suddenly it worked! Do anyone know how I can use the control to steer the car in Asphalt 7: Heat?
Can´t connect the wamo pro (well… it´s suposed to be the same as G910 Bluetooth Game Controller) to the PC in USB port….
i´m missing something? some bottom combination or something? windows 7 don´t even see the controller as a “unknow device” , its just invisible
you can change the control method on Asphalt. and you should download the Asphalt 7 to your android device first, and then open the game center, and then make your G910 in Y mode and connect with your android device, run the game via game center. then play it.
If it keep flashing, means you don’t connect correct. now you should unpair everything. and easer the pair histroy, and try to pair again with the app we offer. Press the Y button First, and then press the Home button. then go to the openunion app, searching the controller and pair it.
I think all of my film were removed from my G910.
Did you see the original film true.
For now, the new update does not work.
It indicates this to the properties.
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
Click Update Driver to find. A driver for this device
Eric, please give a response for the analog stick problem. I cannot play any games because of the issue!
Gamecenter won’t let me download keeps shutting down.
Hi, i am talking with factory to fix the problem.
Already know the problem, if you want to play DEAD TRIGGLE , you should use the X mode, you should do like this:
turn on the bluetooth on your tablet or smartphone, and then press the X button + home button on G910( please note, you should press the X button first, and then press the Home button), the led light on G910 will flash, and the first led light will be on. now go to the dead triggle, go to option, choose game, and do the key map. after that, the problem you are talking will gone!
This is problem with actual controller. Do you want me to make video of problem so you can understand?
I have the same problem with analog sticks:
On my TV Box, I can play Dead Trigger correctly with the “Gamepad mode” (Home + X).
BUT on my phone ( a lenovo A850, which has a MTK processor) I can’t use “Gamepad Mode”, it doesn’t work. I have to use the “App mode”, but diagonals doesn’t work.
Does anyone managed to use the gamepad properly with a smartphone using a MediaTeK processor ?
I know the problem. are you using the MTK smartphone,right? have you tried my suggtions? do not use the APP mode, use the method i am talking, and it should work.
Tell us more about flashing gamepad desirable steps
Yes I use the MTK smartphone. I tried your method, but the X mode doesn’t work on MTK smartphones. I must use the App mode solution that you have described here:
But, analog sticks still doesn’t work.
Got it, i think i know the problem, i will go to check how to make MTK device working in X mode. stay tuned.
I think all of my filmwere removed from my G910.
Did you see the original filmwere true.
For now, the new update does not work.
It indicates this to the properties.
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
Click Update Driver to find. A driver for this device
Éric, have you finaly found a way to use the analogs sticks with mtk smartphones ?
Is there a new version of game pad union App ? I think it could help.
Eric, it is not only problem with MTK phones. I have 1.2 GHz Samsung Exynos C210 processor and the analog stick diagonals don’t work properly.
Here is what I do:
1.Hold Home + Y on G910 gamepad
2.Open OpenPad Union app
3. Controller connects
4. Controller test app opens and i cannot use diagonals
The problem has been solved, i just get new firmware and new app(but in chinese) and try again,now the diagonals work,i will share the information tomorrow. stay tuned.
i just received the gamepad and i’m trying to upgrade the firmware but the Ugrade button on the flash program is not enabled… i’m using windows 7… any idea?
another question… i’m trying to connect my motorola xoom FE to the gamepad… the openpad union app… sees it… but when i try to pair it it says… connection is interrupted…
If I try to install the driver it says: Please use your initial installer application if you want to install the driver
Hello Eric,
Has there been any updates on the gamepad mode analog stick issue? Please take your time responding and thank you in advance.
HI TIM, the factory promise to send me the newest firmware tonight, and i will upload on monday, and share with you.
Hello Eric,
Thank you. I will definitely will continue to recommend this gamepad and I think I speak for everyone when I say thank thanks for responding so quickly and being active. Enjoy your day.
Hi folk,
my minix neo x7, after firmaware update 008 jan 04, the app “game launcher” doesn’t start and remain on blank screen.
have you any idea for these issues ?
many thanks
i cannot wait to use my G910 gamepad with new firmware!!
check this!
http://www.geekbuying.com/geekgiz/index.php/2014/01/07/g910-game-controller-new-firmware-and-connection-app-fix-the-analog-stick-problem/#.UsugdbTQZQU check this solution.
try this new firmware
please report back if it can work or not.
Hi Eric
Can you say me that this controller supported the newest MTK6592 chipset?
Yes,it support. tested already!
Eric, should we root the phone for G910 to work properly? I don’t think rooting the device is safe & novice can’t use this device.
if you want to use APP mode, ( Y+ HOME) then you need root your phone, but if just use the A + HOme and X+ HOME button, no need to root your phone.
Hi Eric,
Why is it that when I pair my G910 with my S4 i9505 and then I turn off bluetooth and then turn it on again. In order to get the gamepad paired to my S4 again, I have to unpair it in the bluetooth settings and then scan again, in order to pair the two devices. I hope this can be resolved. Thanks
New firmware for complete mtk support is still planning?
YES, still on the way. However, because china new year, the factory, and developer have stopped working, i will push them to release the new firmware after the new year holiday is over. will be back on 8th Feb.
Is it possible to use it with an Ipad Air? cause I couldn’t enable the mode specially for Apple and it dosen’t seem to work with the other modes
For IOS device, it just can work with icade games. just search icade on app store, and you can find the game list.
How to connect gamepad with a PC? Through usb not determined, charge only.
Ok thanks, I got some more questions if you can answer me.
Whats are the general improvements of the new firmwares?
What’s the game center and what’s it used for?
What is the best app to configure the games that aren’t native compatible?, is it easy to configure it them?.
Your PC should support bluetooth, through bluetooth to connect.
Can it be used to play with Pc Games? cause I set it up in the keyboard mode (A) but the PC didn’t recognize the bluetooth gamepad.
Hi, On nexus 4 kitkat the G910 connect to union pad software but buttons don’t work
the android 4.4 kitkat has such problem, we know it,and already trasnfer to factory and wait for fix.
Another problem with Nexus 4 Kitkat and last firmware:
The gamepad pair with the smartphone and works normally but often its unable to reconnect and I must redo the pairing.
Its possible to try older firmwares?
I have a Microsoft surface 2 . The G910 cotroller. Works with the surface 2 by bluetooth ? without having it connected to the USB port ?
Assistance required. I went to flash the new firmware because the controller was misbehaving out of the box. (analogs issue)
It appears to have bricked the unit. I have no indicator lights. It does not respond to my laptop.
Can it be recovered?
Is it still problematic with Android Kitkat 4.4??? Al my devices are kitkat, if this device will become unusable with every Android upgrade and is not future proof than not worth buying it! :(((
Eric, is there a way for the G910 to work with KitKat android PC?
I bought a Tronsmart Vega s89 and a pair of these G910 gamepads, hoping to turn this setup into the best Android gaming experience, but I just can’t make it work right on Vega s89…
Tronsmart Vega s89 has Android 4.4.2 (built May 13)
The gamepad kind of works with emulators is gamepad mode (X+Home) – it works for 3 minutes, and then looses pairing and needs to be re-paired.
But it doesn’t work at all in APP mode (Y+Home) – it connects, but then I can’t push any button in games.
Does openpad union require root
NO, but after root, you can get more functions.
What functions
Hi, how to connect gamepad 910 with PC to update driver? I was press button start+select+home and then use micro USB to connect them but I don’t see anything 🙁 Please help me, thank you!
I was solved my problem, press start and select button 🙂
Can someone let me know where to get the USB drivers for g910 for connecting to PC. The drivers I found here (http://www.mediafire.com/?p6glqsl5mras31k) doesn’t seem to work, I tried this on windows 7/64 and window 8/64.
hi Eric please advise why when I press y+home shows connection interrupted and then go dead
HI sorry to reply you late.
can you let me know which games you want to play ,and which device you use? i will test, and then reply you back.
Hello Eric, I have downloaded the game centre apk on my android box (minix neo 7). But I cannot see the apk anywhere to run it. It is not in the app page either. Where can i find the apk once I download it. Please help.
hi Eric, same problem here, i use this firmware on ipega 9021, now it cannot connect anymore to my phone (lenovo 920), please update.. or maybe you could upload the stock firmware of Ipega 9021?
thanks in advance
problems on my no.1 s7
both stick wont work together wenn i play gta vice city or modern combat
i run with left stick and right stick to aim but than is left stick stop working =(
on button test programm the stick cant make a circle only up down left right, when i
rotate the stick it only goes stop up stop down etc….
its a firmware or .apk problem i think pls help ?!
(sry for my english)
Update; it does work, untill the point of updating; on 95 percent the tool says it got an flash memory error. what do i do?
I’m trying to connect to my MINIX h-8 to play Shadow gun and GTA. Please help
Does my new G910 have the latest firmware installed? I ordered a new G910 3 weeks ago and recieved it this week.
How about to connect the G910 with ps3. is it possible?
How i conect with my PC ?
I brought this to work on my PC it said it works on PC, so what am I doing wrong, I have been to the downloads files and they are for android .apk
so where is the windows if there is one, but dissapointed in this unit supposed to be no fuss. its been far from it and it still wont connect at all
I bought G910 last week but doesn’t work , I mean my device RK3188 reconize the gamepad but when i try to play with any game it doesn’t work . what can I do?
hello ,
not many games work with theis G910 controller ?
Asphalt 8 dont work with the controller ?
Something needs to be changed ?
Help plz
check there , good info on how to .
Hi ERIC I have a Minix Neo X8-h & would like to play Ashalt-8, Temple Run etc game through G910 Gamepad. So could you please let me know the way How such games can be played by G910 Gamepad
hello. my g910 works only in openpad union. when i enter to a game its not working. pls help me. i installed the firmware.
how to install the drivers?
you may have a try
You do not need the drivers .
Hello. Prompt, please, how to stitch G910 Plus? according to the instruction for G910 it is impossible
Dear friend
If it is the latest G910 Plus that you bought ,please follow the instructions below:
I read, there is nothing, isn’t present about a device insertion
Dear friend
Please post your requirement here .
G910 Plus gamepad 10-15 minutes of the game off, you want to sew, but I can not connect it to the firmware. What prompt?
Dear friend
You can not connect the firmware to gamepad because there is no OS inside.Instead you will have to connect to a tv box and update the system first.Then you can connect the tv box to gamepad, the latter recognize the former.
Thank You
Hi there…my gamepad wont turn on after i push the home button..any solution?
please help.. =(
Is is powered?
When charged , it able to turn on when i push the home button..but when its not, im unable to turn it on..