HI Guys:
This is the stock firmware for T-R42 quad core tv boxes, it is for the new B351 V2.0 board.
Firmware Download link is
password is geekbuying.com
So now let’s make it clearly. for T-R42 model, factory has changed the PCBA board from B351 v1.0 to B351 V2.0. so how to know which boards you have. here is the method.
Check the back of T-R42, you will find a S/N number, if the S/N number start as T-R42, then means it is B351 V2.0 board, and you need the above firmware. if the S/N number start as BX, it means you have the B351 v1.0 board, and you just can use the old stock firmware here and all the other custom roms.
We have worked with custom rom developer, and will release the custom rom support for the new V2.0 board, please stay tuned.
Eric, does this rom has a root access?
There is no S/N on the back of the box. Is there anywhere else to find it.?
Then you should try to open the box, and check the writings on the board.
I can’t see a way to open the box to read the S/N
you don’t need to open box, the S/N is on the back sticker of T-r42, if you get the T-r42 from geekbuying, you should saw that sticker.
TV Box doesn’t join. Power unit as it should be. By pressing the button of inclusion occurs nothing, the indicator doesn’t burn. What it is possible to make?
how can i remove the root. i have problems by using original apps like watchever because the root and i dont need them. please help!!!!!!
Hi, I ordered k-r42 from geekbuying but I see on the box: T-R42.
I don’t see any sticker with s/n. there is rectangle on the bottom where a sticker is supposed to be placed but no sticker on.
So, where do I find s/n?
Does anybody already knows if root access is built-in in this ROM?
NO, the stock rom don’t come with root.
I bought this board from geekbuying but I can not find the serial# anywhere. I’m willing to open it up but I don’t see how to do it. Are there any instructions with some pics on how to do this.
Hi Eric,
i want to run watchever on the box. Does this Version work ?
At the moment i use the version from 201311119 and this version get a license error using watch ever.
Thanks Bernd
if you order it recently, then it must be V2.0 Board.
Hi.I have this T-R42 Bluetooth Quad Core Google Android 4.2.2 RK3188 28nm Cortex-A9 1.6Ghz Mini TV BOX HDMI HDD Player 2GB RAM/8GB ROM .I bought this in december 2013.Can i use this firmware: http://www.geekbuying.com/geekgiz/index.php/2014/01/25/rom-download-t-r42-tv-box-custom-rom-for-b351_v2-0-pcba-board/#.UyIN1YXhrh6 ?
Hi. I installed your firmware but wi-fi isn’t working( lan is working). What should I do?
Someone else wrote on a different forum for stock firmware for the t-r42
I have not tested this yet but figured I would share info but know it is untested by myself at this time.
Hi, there is new stock firmware:
<a href="http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJnsByF " title="B351_V2.0_BT_zhongxing_20140404.rar" will be any new version of custom ROM on base of that new one?
my t-r42 S/N number start as T-R42,now wifi signal lost (no bar) even they show wifi connected , How should I do