TV Boxes & Mini PCs

[ROM Download] Stock Firmware for Tronsmart MK908 V5 version, also work on V3 version, tested!

Hi guys:

Here is the newest stock firmware for Tronsmart MK908, this firmware can work on V3 and V5 board. (V5 is the lastest board, and now all of the Tronsmart MK908 we shipped are V5 board).

PS: how to check if you are V3 or V5 board, now the only method to check is open the tronsmart MK908 case, and check the  writings on the board.

Firmware Download LINK–v5.0.rar


This rom is just for V3 and V5 boards, if you have the V1 board, you can get the stock firmware here:



Here is the flash tool you need:


here is the universal firmware update instruction:

and if you have problems when you install the drivers, you should see this :

so if you found any problems about this stock rom, welcome to post back, we will transfer to factory, and push them to improve.




Geekbuying Blog


  1. Hi! This firmware work with original (v1) board too?


  2. what is the update bro ?

  3. Hi Eric,

    Is this rom compatible with mk908 V1 boards as Well ?

    Please let us know.

  4. Hi,

    Is this ROM compatible with MK908 V1 boards ?

  5. Avatar photo

    No,it can’t, but i also get a stock firmware for V1 boards, and will upload today.

  6. Avatar photo

    No,it can’t, but i also get a stock firmware for V1 boards, and will upload today.

  7. what are the changes?? what is new ? what fixed?

  8. Avatar photo

    Factory dont’ give us the changelog, because factory change to V5 board without let us know, so we just get this V5 board stock firmware for our customers. and it should add some newest patches from rockchip. the rom developer in freaktab will make a new custom rom base on this stock rom.

  9. There is already a Finless 1.7a release for the v5 boards !!

  10. Any chance to install normal android 4.2 launcher with normal desktop and widgets?

  11. I mistakenly clicked on UPDATE button and the Stick does not work now. Is there any way to fix this?
    thanks for the help..

  12. How do you Flash

  13. Hello …is this image has got the root permission if I install the android-terminal ?
    Thank you .