HI guys:
Some time ago, Tronsmart add some TV launcher to their tv sticks, however, not everyone like that launcher, and want to go back to the android launcher, however, that firmware can’t support those.
so after we report back, now they begin to fix that.
This newest firmware is for Tronsmart MK908II, give customers two launcher to choose, also this firmware is coming with rooted, and added the latest rockchip patches.
Firmware Download LInk
Here is the flash tool you need:
here is the universal firmware update instruction:
and if you have problems when you install the drivers, you should see this :
How to upgrade this firmware?
Hello i have one computer with windows 7 starter i hope it will wok!!With what program can i install this firmware??
I updated the post with flash tools, and drivers, instructions.
Just updated the firmware update instructions, and tools, please check again.
Anyone know how to default install all apps on memory card?
I try with xp,starter but nothing!!Another way to install??
Thanks !!
I try on different computer and not work!!I get this error: the best driver is install in yor computer and i cannot do anything in this thing!!A picture with my configuration of tronsmart mk 908 II is here: http://imageshack.com/a/img839/2884/jvpl.jpg
I have windows 7 ultimate and it works.
Ionut iti dau driverul cu care am facut eu!
Ms Marian o sa instalez windows 7 ultimate pe pc ca momenten al meu e 8.1 si poate,poate o sa mearga!!Daca e vorbim pe mes id-ul meu e ionkiki1@yahoo.com!!I will instal on my pc windows 7 ultimate and try again!!Hope its works!
Finaly work i try 1-2 hour to make work with win 7 ultimate!!With original cable don-t work.When i change the cable it work.s!!Good firmware but the same problem blocked and restart the tronsmart!Maibe i try the original version from the tronsamart site!Thanks!!
The OTA option is for nothing then? Then why do they have it ?
I will like to configure my new HP 23tm Touchscreen with the MK908II.
I read on the internet that I might have to add a fille called
where the XXXX is the VendorId and YYYY is the ProductId
I have then run teh command “lsusb” the return was 1926:033c.
So I created a file named “Vendor_1926_Product_033c.idc” that I have put in
Now the content of the file, according to the web site
We need to type in the info
device.internal = 0
touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.orientationAware = 1
where device.internal = 0
If the value is 0, the device is external.
If the value is 1, the device is internal.
If the value is not specified, the default value is 0 for all devices on the USB (BUS_USB) or Bluetooth (BUS_BLUETOOTH) bus, 1 otherwise.
Finally save teh file and reboot
Unfortunately it didn’t work at 100%, when a touch teh screen a see my cursor mouse but it doesn’t move
Can someone give me some help or hint
I tried all the suggestions here but to no avail.
I finally managed to get the drivers installed on Windows 8.1 x64 by using the instructions on this page:-
Mini PC now upgraded to latest ROM with no hassle at all!
How about 4,4 kitkat for mk 908II any release by now??
I am still waiting for support and help to connect my MK908ii to a 23“ touchscreen monitor.
Anyone have an idea ?
See my previous post on january 21st
I install on my tronsmart mk 908II Android 4.4 but its not very good optimized!!Here the pictures http://pho.to/4kfqc
Is this firmware factory fitted when i ordered on now?
very new owner of the tronsmart MK908II, I’d like to know if the finless 1.5 ROM includes the ASIX AX88178 and AX88179 drivers. It is the USB2/USB3 to Giga ethernet adaptator.
If it is not the case, do you plan to include them in your next ROM ? with a KitKat distrib perhaps ? ;o)
it will be very nice ;o)
Thanks a lot
I would like the touch screens compatibility also.
Could someone give us an update on it?
Hi GeekBuying! Have you any info about Tronsmart MK908II firmware “Tronsmart_MK908II_4.2_20140725.zip” on “http://www.tronsmart.com/support/download-center/42-tronsmart-mk908ii/120-android-4-2-stock-firmware-for-tronsmart-mk908ii”? Any release notes and if it’s stable version of firmware?