Update on 2th April, some developer said this rom have some kernel problem. please hold to flash this rom, till the developer to find the problem, and fix it.
HI guys:
Rockchip release the official android 4.4 firmware for their tv box and tv stickes, today, we just get this firmware, it is special for the tv box which use AP6210 wifi module. If your tv box/sticks don’t use this module, please don’t flash, you will lose your wifi and bluetooth, please note!
We have tried this on MK908II and MK809III with AP6210, both can work well, please help to test more models, and report back.
The official firmware has fixed some bugs in the beta android 4.4 firmware, please flash and check.
One problem i find in this firmware is
There is NO Google apps ( play store, gmail, google play service) preinstalled, It’s really sucks, don’t know why rockchip remove those in this official update, but i know we can add this by ourselves. I still tried to figure out how to install that by myself, if you know how to fix that, please leave message here. ok, here we go:
password is geekbuying.com
ROM is not rooted, and you should root by yourself. Here i recommend you a easy root method, download the root tool here:
run and install this tool in your PC.
and go to your tv box setting, and open the “USB Debug” setting, and just click Get root button, this tool will help you to get root. easily.
ROM is still base on 720p. and we are working with the developer,and will release the 1080p version soon.
The total performance of Android 4.4 Kitkat has been improved a lot than the Jelly Bean Android 4.2. It has less boot time, and system is much steady and fast.
Some hot selling TV BOX/Sticks with AP6210 recommended:
Tronsmart MK908II
Can it work on tronsmart MK908 ?
1080 p or 720p firmware ?
will this work on the cx919 rk3188 non T
also is this rom rooted
Can I try this on MK908, v5?
Can I use this new Firmware in my Tronsmart CX-919 V2.0 RK3188 with AP6210?
Is this new Firmware also for the RK3188 FULL (1.6 and 1.8) or only for the 3188T.?
IS it possible to get anything better than 2.0 stereo over HDMI with this new ROM?
Only for the RK3188T.
I Hope MK908 is also RK3188T. Can you confirm this.
Is this for A928?
NO, a928 use the ap6330, not the ap6210.
Is this with T-R42 compatible??
NO, it can’t.
@Xhlil, you can use wasser rom 1.2.4 or 1.2.5 which are also for your model and are very very strong, available on freak tab. Com or type wasser rom in search Google
hello this sure works on this model?
only is this the problem with google apps?
on the device cx-919 no sound
It should work, the MK918 also use AP6210.
Has RK or Finless produced a KK 4.4 for the RK908 RK3188 non T version?
cx-919 – no sound ((
in sound devices manager: “There is no sound output devices”
I try to install myself google apps and dosent work,and no sound on mk 908ii!!Any news about it because the rom is best!Very fast shout down it has!!
Any news about this rom?What is the rom from the Tronsmart site?
Eric, could you ellaborate on the issues with the kernel you mentioned? I’ve flashed this and it worked, except for sound… but after i switched it off via the UI it bricked! it doesnt even flash anymore… USB is dead… i might be able to unbrick it but im currious if this is related or some strange coincedence…
no sound at cx-919,how to fix it.
Any update for this rom version??
so when doing the update do I use the “restore’ or the “upgrade” button in the Rockchip batch tool??
It works on a cx-919?
There is android 4.4 kitkat stock firmware for CX-919. we will upload, and share.
There is android 4.4 kitkat stock firmware for CX-919. we will upload, and share.
how do you install it on your box ?