Tronsmart just release the stock firmware for their vega s89 and vega s89 elite quad core tv box.
Vega S89 series are not base on rockchip anymore, they use the amlogic s802 chip. so the firmware and firmware update instruction should be different with the rockchip ones.
The stock firmware is Android 4.4 Kitkat. with XBMC , Google Play Store built-in.
also it give you different screen resolution choice, from 720p to 1080p, even 4K.
so here we go:
Stock firmware for tronsmart vega s89 ( 2G RAM, 16GB Storage, and Dual-band wifi model)
Stock firmware for tronsmart vega s89 elite ( 2G RAN, 8GB Storage)
Here is the instruction for how to install the firmware:
Get the original tronsmart vega s89 here:
Hello Eric. How to connect a gamepad G910 to Vega S89
i am writing instructions, wait.
This stock firmware has the original android interface or the tronsmart custom interface? Thanks
Just have the custom interface.
hi eric what is the best airmouse for the tronsmart vega s89
Hi. It’s possible to change that custom interface?. I don’t like it the original. It’s possible from setting or with another launcher if installed? Thanks
Does it ship with this stock rom?
It shuld get alittle better than this stock rom.
I recommend the logitech k400 which sold in my store. i find the air mouse don’t work well on this device, but the k400 work like charm.
Hello Eric. How to connect a gamepad G910
Tronsmart tsm01 air mouse does it works with s89?
Xbmc is slow at streaming dvd quality? Does anyone here have problems with streaming videos? It’s always buffering… my speed is 25mbps
I forgot to mention I’m using the Vega S89
which video are you streaming? let me test for you.
Hey, i installed the finless 1.7 rom and i cant get xbmc to work properly. I menaged to get audio video sync, but video quality is junk, for 720p streaming videos. How do i fix that? I got oman’s xbmc gotham installed.
Ok, can i put this rom over finless 1.7 safely? This is the only thing that i havent tried yet..
Im new at this and i wouldnt like to mess the device. I also wrote a mail at your support 3 days ago and still waiting for respond. Please help me im lost here.
Yes,you can do that. it won’t brick the device. The BOB finless use our original tronsmart s89 to make custom roms.
And is this rom available to install via sd card?
the 106k4 will come soon,please wait for the update.
Im trying to get the things going on for over a week and i dont have no more time for waiting. I will try finless 1.8 because it has the sd card method.
I d likr to try yours but only via sd method cause it looks easy.
it is a problem for me to flash the rom using the the burning tool under windows 8.1.
(When i download the 105k4 rom i only get the IMG file and that is not working for me on a PC with WIN 8.1)
When will the rom 106k4 be available with the “SD Card method”?
Seperate files which should be put in the ROOT of the SD-Card