TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How to update firmware on Minix NEO X8 and NEO X8-H Quad core tv box?

Minix Neo X8 and X8-H is the newest products from MINIX brand. Both of them use Amlogic quad core chip. Neo x8 features the amlogic s802, while the Neo X8h features the S802-H chip which support Dolby DTS hardware decoding.

Though the hardware have a little difference betwen NEO X8 and NEO X8H, however, the firmware update method  should be the same.

Usually you don’t need to use the following methods to update your NEO X8 and NEO X8H, because MINIX already make the OTA working, so  if there is any new firmware release, just hit the ” update” app in the system, and get tne newest firmware download and update.

But if your device is bricked or can’t power on, you should consider to use the following two method:

Method 1:USB Burning tool update method:

PS: if you are running windows 8.1 on your PC, then you may should skip this method, because the drivers on Windows 8.1 is a pain now. if you are using windows 7 or windows xp, then maybe, you can go ahead:

Download the usb buring tool here:

extract the file:USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.0.140306_Alpha_x86.rar

and you will get an *.exe file, run it, and follow the instruction,it will help to install the burning tool on your pc.

and in order to make sure you don’t have drivers problem, we suggest you to install this tool in your pc first:

Now run the usb burning tool, you will see this:

How to update firmware on Minix NEO X8 and NEO X8-H Quad core tv box?

Click “file” and choose”import image”, choose the .img file you have downloaded,

Now it’s important step, Make sure your minix neo x8 or x8h device is power off, use the micro usb cable to connect neo x8/neo x8hs with PC. use the toothpick to press the recovery button, and at the same time, connect the power adapter with neo x8/x8h, press the power on button(keep press the update button during this time), and then the burning tool will find a new usb device:

How to update firmware on Minix NEO X8 and NEO X8-H Quad core tv box?

and then click start button to flash. It will take 5-8 mins to finish the flash.


Method 2:

If you don’t want to use windows PC to flash, you may consider this update method,we call it SD card update( make sure you can get the correct firmware for this update)

Download the firmware, and you will usually get three files,:factory_update_param.aml recovery.img,  and one firmware file (usually in ZIP formate).

– Copy all of the firmware file(factory_update_param.aml recovery.img, and the ZIP file) to one sd card;
– Make sure your  device is powered off and power cable removed.
– Insert SD card with extracted files in root directory.
– Insert a match or a toothpick to recovery button
– Power on the neo x8/neo x8h box by inserting power cable, while holding the match in the reset hole.
– It will boot to recovery and start installing ROM. Good. It will restart when finished (you can connect with HDMI cable, so you can see the update process in your tv or monitor)

In the end,i hope you guys never brick your device, and you don’t need to bother flash as my instructions:)

Any questions, feel free to contact me.


shopping link for minix neo x8 and neo x8-h is here:




Geekbuying Blog


  1. @Eric

    hallo , can you please check the possibility of playing 3D-Bluray.ISO with the stock player on the Minix X8-H .?

    thank you in advance

  2. Avatar photo

    It support iso blue ray file, already tested.

  3. Also 3d blueray ISO playing in frame packing?

    Thanks eric

  4. Anass Benhallam

    Hi Eric

    Thanks for the instructions on how to flash this device as this helped me power on my device.
    Just let you know that I’ve received Minix Neo X8-H last Monday and could not power it on but after flashing it I was able to get it working.
    I thought you guys test all devices before shipping them ?

  5. Hello Eric i really home you can help me where can i locate there files: factory_update_param.aml recovery.img, and one firmware file in zip form. All I can find is a firmware file in rar form. Thanks a lot

  6. Hi Eric,

    I’ve received Minix Neo X8 last Friday and could not power it on. After flashing ( method 1with this image x8h_MP2 successfully) I still can not turn on the device. I connect the device with a power cable and HDMI cable to the TV, hold down the power button for 3 seconds, but the unit will not start. What am I doing wrong?

  7. HI, sorry to hear your problem, please read this :

    Seems it is the problem of minix, and our quality test can’t find this.

    you can contact our customer service to get the RMA, we are so sorry for this problem, we will take care of you.


  8. I just received the minix neo x8h, I can see I have xmbc but that’s it nothing is loaded, I honestly thought I would connect the the box and start using it. Unlike my other android I bought fully loaded.
    If I knew this I would not have bothered and I even asked. Not all are technical minded and if I did not ask then I would understand.
    Why send the box out when one can’t use it. What can I do ? Can I connect it via USB to my android which I already have and copy those files direct onto to my new minix ?. My email is
    I look forward to some help here please

  9. Also !! I see not blue light when the machine is powered up, although it does work. I reed somewhere that it should have a blue light when switched on.

  10. Hi

    I don’t understand your meaning well. the XBMC is built in the neo x8-h.
    please explain clearly, i would love to help.


  11. It should have the blue light, but it’s not very clear, you should make it in dark room, and you will find the blue led light on front.

  12. Hi Eric.

    Unlike another Android box comes fully loaded with the normal apps. Mine has nothing when it arrived.
    So I say to myself is this normal from such a talked Minix Neo X8H. ?

  13. Unless something happened in the post!!! Then I would understand. But if not!! Then are these checked before shipping ?

  14. If xbmc is built in, then I ask you what is one able to see once XBMC installed ? Because as I said I do have another Android box which gives a big variation of watching, also Karaoke radio stations Navi etc etc

  15. No options of watching or streaming TV from various countries, as I said it’s blank.. I made a sacrifice and bought it, not to mention the extra charges incurred customs and DHL.
    I feel confident enough that Geek will be helpful in solving this issue.

  16. Please let me know which app do you use for watching or just through browser?

  17. Really? There is no xbmc built in? Have you tried to flash the latest firmware to check? now the latest one is beta 004 firmware. check here:

  18. Yes, Minix check every device before shipping to us, and then we double check again,and then ship to you.

  19. Not sure what you mean, ? If you are talking about he minix !! I use and click on XBmc normally but in this case I think this box needs replacing as I might be unlucky. So I am back to my old android box now -).
    Is it as good as they say it is? (Minix neo x8H) !!!

  20. I am happy to read that all boxes are checked before sending them out. Then something happened to mine in the postage -(.
    So far I have had good response, and the rights questions have been asked.

  21. If you use aeon skin, you should see the karaoke radio. they are just different skins. but again, man, i still don’t understand your problem, i am really want to help out.

  22. Yes, first try to flash the latest firmware i just show you,and then check if your problem solved or not. i will be here for help.

  23. hi Eric, Thank you so much for trying to help. So I am sorry but i am not technical, if the box works what does this firmware do to the box, ? does it completely install files and organize everything ?

  24. Like XBMC and icefilm Filmon etc etc

  25. Yes,if you flash the firmware correct, all of the files should be there.

    and make sure after you flash the firmware, you must need to wait 5-6 mins to wait for the first boot up, do not power off the device when it first boot.

  26. Ok thank you Eric, so when I will get a replacement box! Then it should be complete correct with all apps xbmc navi etc etc

  27. I suggest you to flash the firmware. Alfred.

  28. Anyone here having trouble with getting latest firmware for x8/h goto they have already addressed tons of issues and box running better than ever. Latest firmware is beta 7 also there was another minix Xbox released this month .

    I’m really surprised geek buyer hasn’t put link in description.

  29. *minix xbmc*

  30. You get navi-x and all on your own. It will have bare bones minix xbmc

  31. Eric, I think what Alfred is saying is he just has xbmc with no add-ons and he had that on his other box. He doesn’t understand that add-ons for Xbmc is something you do after you buy your box.

  32. got only 1 file and it’s an .img file ( in the .rar download). What should i do?

  33. You should use the amlogic burning tool to flash.

  34. I’m using win 8.1. Will it work?

  35. Same here….I only see 1 file. No zip file as mentioned in the steps above. Please advise.

  36. no, it won’t, there is no correct drivers for windows 8.1

  37. Hi, just letting you know that I have managed to update the firmware and running on Windows 8.1. Get the driver from

    Hope it helps.

  38. thanks for sharing.