Here is the XBMC version which built in the 104k4, in case some guy need it:
Compare with the OLD XBMC version,it added 4K and RMVB support, now it don’t need to call external mx player to play 4K and RMVB video, can do that with internal player.
also it don’t have the A/V sync problem.
You can try this on your device, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
There is my comment about Tronsmart S89 not able to wake up from sleep with remote control?
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the follow up with the factory on the xbmc enhancement.I already install the previous xbmc version so do I need to delete it all xbmc or I just install the reinstall the new xbmc & it will overlap?
You should delete the old, and install this new.
ok got it thanks for reply…
Hi Eric,
I installed this version of XBMC on top of the Finless 1.6 ROM on my S89-H. However, I can’t navigate to my SD card or external hard drive with XBMC. Any ideas? I’ve tried going through the Root file system and then mnt with no luck.
Hi Eric,The xbmc new version not able to increase the volumme application under Aeon Skin & No subtible can be download no doubt already installed…For xbmc update can tronsmart do for OTG update……I have no problem with Xbmc Vidonme by Mele.
thanks for your feedback, but in original skin,it can work?
Hi Eric- I have the same problem:
I installed this version of XBMC on top of the Finless 1.6 ROM on my S89 However, I can’t navigate to external hard drive with XBMC. If i try to excess to the hard drive from XBMC Music Instead Video it succeed.
The olny skin that works ok is Confluence, the default one. When you playback a movie and want to change video or audio, download subtitles etc. the controls are missing, there are no controls only the blank rectangles where they are supposed to be.
The default Confluence skin it do works for voluume & subtitle.But for advance users like us prefer more advance skin for xbmc.I do see many apps still not compatible with Gotham 13.
Have this been fixed?
Could you tell me what problem?
The xbmc new version not able to increase the volumme application under Aeon Skin & No subtible can be download no doubt already installed…