TV Boxes & Mini PCs

[ROM Download] Custom Rom for Q7 tv box rk3188-t quad core

Hi Guys:

We won’t let you know, and we finally push the developer to release the custom rom for the Q7 TV BOX.

Please note, this firmware is just for the Q7 tv box, you can’t use it on the k-r42 , t-r42, cs918 or mk918. (if you don’t know the difference between those device, check here

Now there are SOOOOOOO many similar device in china market, same casing, but different pcba board, make sure you know what you get. so here we go:



-based on the latest Q7 firmware
-spoofed as Galaxy SIII for better playstore compatibility
-build.prop edits (wifi tweaks, beter movies, jpeg quality, etc)
-gameloft fix
-new mouse pointer
-new bootanimation
-rearanged buttons on system bar
-fixed few strings (was “Your tablet will shutdown” now “Your Q7 will shutdown”)
-all bloatware apps removed (check orig apps folder in zip if you need any)
-all usless shortcats removed from launcher screen
-firmware odexed to better utilize ram and make it faster pached for Dolby and DTS pastrought in XBMC and other players
-kernel micro stutter fix
-cpu clock changed to 1ghz to be the lowest
-new wallpaper
-new settings under Settings<Q7
#TV Apps
#Advanced (Resolution Switch, Reboot Recovery, Reboot Bootloader, Update)
[Use “Resolution Switch” to change betwean real 720p and real 1080p kernels]

Firmware Download link

Recommend XBMC Version Download Link


All credit to lewy20041!!! Thanks dude!!!





Geekbuying Blog


  1. Any instruction as to how to setup this firmware to the device?

  2. how do you put it on the device?

  3. is malicious, and Chrome has blocked it. Any comments?

  4. Is there going to be a kitkat version? We need bluetooth to work! And better performance.

  5. This rom as the flickering issue. Notices right from first boot. Beware!

  6. Hi Eric,

    I have uploaded this rom to my Q7-v10:

    problem that is the wifi will slow down after some minutes. i have
    arround 20mbps, and after some minutes it falls down under 1 mbps. Can
    you help me?