How to change the Ethernet MAC address in Tronsmart Vega S89 series?
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How to change the Ethernet MAC address in Tronsmart Vega S89 series?

Hi guys:

Here is the instruction for how to change the ethernet MAC address in Tronsmart Vega S89 series. It should work on tronsmart vega s89 standard, s89 elite, and s89-h.

So why should i release this?

Some customers get several  tronsmart vega s89 and use them in one home, they report those vega s89 can’t use at the same time, when one can get ethernet, the other are not. so it is caused by the same mac address problem, In this case, you should use the following method, and change the MAC address. but if you only have one tronsmart vega s89 in your hand, so you can pass this instruction, here we go:

1 Download the tools here:


2 Decompress the file you just downloaded, and copy the folder ” License” to C:\Program Files(X86)\Amlogic \USB_buring_tool

If you can’t find this folder, you should install the usb burning tool first, check the instruction here:

3 Open USB_buring tools, and load the Key_523.img from your download file, and you will see this:

How to change the Ethernet MAC address in Tronsmart Vega S89 series?Make sure you load the correct img file, and make sure you choose the ” overwrite key” and then you should connect your Trosmart device with your pc. same like what you did in flashing firmware, and click Start.

This tool will direct give you newest mac address to the tronsmart vega s89.

Any questions, feel free to contact us.




Geekbuying Blog


  1. Will I have to repeat this procedure every time after flashing S89 with new ROM?

  2. Hi, Eric… Sorry for my English

    This instructions can be used in MINIX X8-H??????

    explain: I made a bad flash with my Minix using USB Burning Tools and I checked “Force to Erase All”… Now everytime that I start Minix the Ethernet MAC Address change, so I cant fix my IP in the Router.
    (I dont have a fixed MAC as before and I use only Ethernet connection)

  3. 陈总您好,我是小米盒子论坛的xmanweb(屌丝猫),目前正研究米盒增强版的破解工作,目前我已经拿到了线刷工具和进入线刷模式的方法,现在就想请教您是否有可能用线刷工具不擦除flash,只刷入recovery分区一个镜像呢?可以用于刷入三方recovery来root盒子呢!真心求教,我的QQ是524060165,邮箱是,跪求联系!

  4. sorry,it just work for the vega s89. can’t work on the neo x8-h.

  5. Do you have a solution for me – with my Minix X8-h?????