News Phones & Accessories All ZOPO Phones Will be Upgraded to Android 4.4 Kitkat OS Written by on July 21, 2014 Good News, all ZOPO phones will be upgraded to Android 4.4 Kitkat OS from Now on. Such as ZOPO ZP580, ZP700, ZP1000, ZP780. Geekbuying will offer the firmware to our customers, you can check in our blog later or email to our customer service people with your order number. Jul 21, 2014 What’s your Reaction? +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 Facebook Twitter Email TweetSharePinShare0 Shares
How can I install the new update on my Android Phone?
I have a ZOPO ZP1000 with Android 4.2.2
I downloaded the new firmware 4.4
And now, what is the next step? How can I run the new firmware?
Please, help me!