Hi, glad to share Leagoo Lead 3S latest firmware, please check below information:
Download link: Leagoo Lead 3S MTK6582 Smartphone Latest Firmware
Flash tool: http://www.mediafire.com/download/irozj82i4cc3fub/SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1312.0.139.rar
Password: geekbuying.com
the link : Flash tool: MTK6582 phone flash tool give a root tool , not a flash tool.
you can root it with vroot.it works i have tested it
sorry,we will update asap.
Hi we have updated the flash tool download link.
I receive my 3S , thank geekbuying,with this firm ( for me ) the gps fonction don’t work well : more long to find the sat ; the app HERE or OSM don’t work whith this firmware. I need to return to the original firmware but I just see a firmware for LEAD 3 on the LEAGOO’s web service.
I try a second flash and it’s work. May be a wrong install for the problem with the first.
Vroot install many chinees apps but it don’t root.
It can be rooted with vroot and remove afterwards the chinese apps.you just need to install mobile uncle tools on your leagoo lead3s hit engineer mode -engineer mode(mtk) then go to tab log and debugging -user2root and hit root.then run vroot accept all warnings and root your phone
It’s great!
Thank you very much.
This firmware is not even for the Lead 3s…