Hello, guys! Glad to share CX-S806 TV BOX latest firmware, please check below information:
Download link: CX-S806 TV BOX FIRMWARE
Password: geekbuying.com
Flash tool: USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.1_x86
Flash method:
1, Open the “USB Burning Tool.exe”
2, Select “File”-“Import image” to load burning image package
3, Select burning configuration, then click “Start”
4, Before close the tool, you need to pull out devices the click “Stop”
Help me pls. When you update the firmware on a 1% error appears: [0x10103003]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Download buffer/USB transfer error
Отвечю сам себе. Все оказалось просто. Нужен был более качественный USB кабель.
Answer himself. Everything was easy. Needed better quality USB cable.
I try to connect my box to my computer with a USB cable, but my PC doesn’t detect anything (Windows 7 x64). I tried every USB port. Is it the way it’s supposed to be done? If so, are there some instructions I’m not aware of?
Thank you
Box must be connected to the USB OTG. You also need to connect power from the power supply box.
Make sure you have a working cable USB
can you give me link to buy this cable