Hello, guys! Glad to share CX-S806S TV BOX latest firmware, please check below information:
Download link: CX-S806S TV BOX FIRMWARE
Password: geekbuying.com
Flash tool: USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.1_x86
Flash method:
1, Open the “USB Burning Tool.exe”
2, Select “File”-“Import image” to load burning image package
3, Select burning configuration, then click “Start”
4, Before close the tool, you need to pull out devices the click “Stop”
I’ve bought one of this CX-S806S boxes from geekbuying two weeks ago. What recovery can I install on it?
Could you please provide a link to download the proper CWM or TWRP?
The problem I have is that, from two separate PCs, flashing the new firmware gets stuck on “download meson” at 3% until it times out and gives this error:
[0x31010401]USB error occur when transfer buffer at Uboot Partition 1
Hello, I put Open Elec on mine and I can’t have Android interface anymore. Did you fix your problem ?
Not yet.
Let me know if you manage to fix yours pls, will do the same.
Use update usb burning tool
I have only one img file and I’ve never managed to get My s806s recognized by any computer (maybe my USB cable). But I can update Openelec by putting the box on while putting something in the “reset hole”, I have the recovery mode and then I can update with a USB key. If I had the proper files (not only one img file) I could fix my box. Can somebody please upload the original or the updated firmware ?
“parse burning image fail” – in the file path are Chinese characters. You need the firmware file to put in another folder.
Mark try to use a quality USB cable. I had a similar problem and couldn’t solve it until I changed the cable.
I’ve already succeed in fixing my box but thanks for the explanation because I did’nt know why it worked this time ! And it can help others. Thanks a lot !