Hi, glad to share PIPO X7 TV box firmware, please check below information:
Download link: PIPO X7 tv box Latest Firmware
Password: geekbuying.com
This version fix the activation problem
Click here to the get flash method
Hi. this version support download russian language pack? or only english version?
russian pack unavailable in this version of Windows
Hello, installed but can’t be activated…
thanks for help
Hi i installed new software but windows is not activated.
How can i activate it?
connect with internet, and it will get activated by itself, the key is already in the bois.
Connect with internet, and it will get activated by itself, the key is already in the bois.
sorry to hear that, we don’t check the russia language, but we test with other language, it can be downloaded, so we will check it .
I am connected with internet but it isn’t activated
It still didn’t activate for me. Even after I connected. It says “This product key doesn’t work. You might need to get in touch with the store or company you bought Windows from, or you can buy a new key from Microsoft.” Am I doing something wrong? Is there a product key I can use?
Please try to connect internet to activate it.
Please download the firmware from this link to get it activated :http://www.geekbuying.com/geekgiz/index.php/2015/03/16/pipo-x7-tv-box-latest-firmware-released-20150316fix-activation-problem/.
I have already downloaded this and installed it a few times already. It still won’t activate when I connect online. I only got this problem after a bad windows update and a software reinstall of windows.
Same with me. I’ve reintalled from the 20150313 file 3 times and continue to see the activation issue. What else should we try?
the key is already in the bois
the key is in the bois
Can you provide instruction on how to find the key in the bios? It’s not working as is.
I have the same problem. how can i reinstall the original software?
if the key is the bios, is it possible that the bios has been changed? Somehow windows is not accepting the built in key. I am still having trouble activating. Is there another solution? A working key perhaps?
Did you download the latest firmware?
I have the same iusse, yes i have last firmware and i try reinstall it 4 time
are you sure it is PIPO X7 TV BOX that you bought? or x7s ?
Yes I’m sure is PIPO X7 TV if you wont i can send immage
I try find the key in bios but I don’t find it.
I use a software to take the Windows key i proced with activation but Windows answer me the key is not valit for this version,
Another problem is an version of Windows bing with only one Language and I can’t intall another, (i try with offline .cab package)
please send an image to support_aftersale@geekbuying.com.our customer service will solve it for you.
i also have the same problem. what i saw that the new firmware is a different edition:
“windows 8.1 single language with bing”
instead of
“windows 8.1 with bing”
waiting for your resolution for the issue.
Having the same issues as described below:
– only one language (EN)
– Windows cannot be activated (key blocked)
Please provide a resolution to this issue asap, thank you!
Emailed aftersale customer support at geekbuying, did not get an answer so far.
You may have to download the latest firmware from this address :http://www.geekbuying.com/geekgiz/index.php/2015/03/16/pipo-x7-tv-box-latest-firmware-released-20150316fix-activation-problem/#comment-1986889829.
it is windows 8.1 with bing in chinese ,you can change the language.
That’s exactly the firmware I flashed: PIPO X7 fix activation 183508 20150313.rar
so i need to install the Chinese version? is it “windows 8.1 with bing”?
this is because the different windows edition. we need “Windows 8.1 with Bing”.
Would u have a link to that edition?
can you give the link?
please also send an email to support_aftersale@geekbuying.com.
It is windows 8.1 with Bing.you can change the installation language .
can you share the link?
i installed the chinese version but i cannot change the display language as you said.
Dear friend,you have to re-root with the latest version http://www.geekbuying.com/geekgiz/index.php/2015/03/16/pipo-x7-tv-box-latest-firmware-released-20150316fix-activation-problem/#comment-1996585429.After that,you can change the language.
problem solved. you need this firmware “windows 8.1 with Bing”
Thanks GilT. This solved my problem of having a box that didn’t want to activate.
YOU SENT ME THE LINK TO PIPO X7 tv box Latest Firmware, When I click to open it nothing happens ?
you have to decompress it with the password:geekbuying.com through winrar software after downloading it from mediafire.
I had the same problem this firmware is useless the windows did not not activated. My solution:
– download the BIOS http://pipo.cn/En/index.php?m=Product&a=show4&type=2&id=368 and update (run the .bat file under windows)
– get a Windows 8.1 with Bing iso
– download and install the Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool (you need an min 4GB USB flash drive). This free program creates an installation media from the iso.
– enter the BIOS (press del) and change the boot setting for boot from usb flash drive
I you are unable the get an iso you can use the Microsoft media creator: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/create-reset-refresh-media
– download the pipo drivers (pipo.cn or search on net) for a working LAN/WLAN and the Windows should be activated.