Hi, here glad to share this 111K4 Lastest Firmware For MK808B Plus. This version is based on MK808B Plus 110K4 20150330.
1. Add XBMC plug-in package;
2. Remove quickoffice.apk;
3. Compatible with AP6330/6210/6181 and 6212;
4. Fix image zooming out problem when use XBMC playing videos;
Firmware download here: MK808B Plus_111k4_6212_20150617
Password: geekbuying.com
Flash guide: How to flash stock firmware on MK808B PLUS quad core tv stick
Have a nice day!
Is there a SD card files to download? This is only for pc method i presume
This is for
MK808B PLUS only
I know. I’m asking if there is a sd card version out there cause I can’t do it with PC
Yes, into the .zip file there is only .img file. Where is 10*k4.zip,recovery.img,factory_update_param. aml?
I have tried the second method for flash via PC but I received an error at “3% meson”. Flashing was interrupted.
I have Tornsmart MK808B plus TV stick and it does not work properly. I have to return it to geekbuying.com
Dear friend,this is the
111K4 verison
Dear friend, this is it. You have to copy the firmware pack to sd card first and then follow the other steps as per our instruction. As we know, TV Boxes with Amlogic CPU requires file copy to SD card before flash.
I know all that. But it doesn’t work with pc.I have the same error as Svetoslav Spasov mentioned in the comment below.
hello, i was wondering. why is the speed of the wifi is very low? i have about 40Mbps available, but it uses at the mosr 3Mbps ?
Any news about 111k4 for MXQ S805? 110k4 was unusable!
Dear friend, it might be that the internet at your side is not stable or fast enough.
it seems that no one care, no answers, not working as it should.
very disappointing
Dear friend ,we are very sorry for the delay. we will update it as soon as the factory sends us.
the Internet is super stable.
I put near the device my phone with WIFI and getting 30Mbps.
so for sure it not the internet !
it seems like an issue of the driver installed in 111K4 version…
it sits about 2 meters from the router…
and the OTA update is not working…
the one updated in above post is the latest